22 | mend faith

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"GIVE ME YOUR phone," the man stated authoritatively to Natasha. She already looked as though she were trying to hide the fact she was texting someone—probably her brother.

Avelina grimaced in pain again as she felt another sharp pain shoot up her back. Natasha sighed as she glanced at Avelina. She mouthed something along the lines of, "Hold on tight."

Avelina's brows came together as she watched Natasha begin to hand her phone over to the man. Just as he took his hand off the wheel to grab the phone from her, she instead used her phone to hit him across the head causing the car to swerve. Avelina suddenly understood exactly what Natasha meant by holding on tight.

She grabbed ahold of whatever she could to keep from sliding as Natasha then stood up as best as she could in the truck, and wrapped her arm around the man's neck, putting him in a chokehold.

He stirred the car off into a forest of trees, ready to hit one at any minute. Avelina closed her eyes and waited for the impact to come as she did her best to sit up and hold onto something—anything. She didn't want the day she gave birth to begin like this.

Just as expected, they hit a tree, but luckily it wasn't too bad of a crash. Slowly, Avelina opened her eyes to see Natasha was still holding on tight to the man in a chokehold. Her eyes were shut, and so were the guy's. However, Avelina wasn't sure he was still breathing. The airbags had gone off and the car's engine quickly shut off. Not only that, but the car no longer looked like it could be driven due to the large dent in the front that took the shape of a tree trunk.

Natasha opened her eyes and immediately looked for Avelina, after seeing she was fine, she released the man and grabbed her phone.

"We got to go," Natasha said.

Avelina couldn't look away from the man. He was dead. Natasha had killed him. His neck was red from how tightly she held him. The way Natasha did it with no hesitation was what scared Avelina most.

"Come on!" Natasha yelled.

Avelina had tears falling from her eyes that she hadn't even noticed before. She went to wipe her eyes, but Natasha grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the car.

It was definitely less suffocating being outside rather than in that car where someone was dead.

"Adrik! Please tell me you're on your way!" Natasha shouted into her phone.

Avelina needed Adrik. She needed someone she could trust. She needed to be told that everything would be okay to keep from freaking out.

Natasha glanced at Avelina before returning her gaze to the dirt "She's right here... Yeah, she's okay... She just needs to get to a hospital fast. Oh, I..." she began to walk away from Avelina. Despite how she tried to be quiet so Avelina couldn't hear, she could still hear her every word as she whispered, "I killed him."

"Good... Okay, well we are in the forest somewhere. I'm sure you can track my phone... Yeah, I can send my location... Okay, I'll let Avelina know... Hurry... Bye," Natasha said into the phone, slowly making her way back to where Avelina stood.

Avelina hunched over in pain as much as she could with her stomach. The sharp pain increased with each growing second.

"Let's sit down," Natasha said, going to grab ahold of Avelina's shoulders. She flinched away from the murder's touch, and Natasha didn't fail to notice it. Instead of making a big deal, she continued to help Avelina until she was sitting on the floor with her back pressed against the wrecked vehicle.

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