23 | mend life

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"COME ON, AVELINA! You can do it... push!" the doctor exclaimed. Adrik's hand was beginning to get sore from how tightly she held onto him.

Despite being curious to see the baby come out of her, he didn't leave her side.

She screamed as she began to push. Strands of her dark hair stuck to her face with sweat. No matter how many times Adrik put her hair back, it always managed to fall back onto her face. He wanted to give it up, but the urge to fix her hair was too strong, so he ended up fixing it once again.

As he touched her hair, he already began to miss his own. He cut it off because he wanted to go for more of a fatherly look. The men he observed on the streets and on his phone never had long hair. Their hair was always cut down, short, and simple. He wished to be just as good as a father, and to him, the first step into becoming one was looking the part.

If only he had been there with Avelina. He knew he could trust leaving Natasha with her seeing as she was a great protector, but it wasn't an excuse for a quick, reckless decision. They had too many enemies to leave Avelina alone. All he knew was that now he had two people to protect—both Avelina and their baby. He couldn't afford any more quick, reckless decisions.

"One more time! Push!" the doctor exclaimed.

Again, Avelina clamped down on Adrik's hand as she gave a big push. Only this time, they were awarded with the sound of a baby wailing. Adrik immediately looked over to see his baby in the hands of the doctor, covered in blood, crying.

"It's a girl!" the doctor said, smiling as she looked down at her. Adrik looked over at Avelina to see there were tears in her eyes. The doctor began to dry off as much blood and fluid from the baby using a soft towel just before wrapping her in a pink blanket.

Slowly, the doctor handed her over to Avelina who couldn't stop smiling.

If Natasha hadn't left so suddenly, saying she had things to take care of, she would have gone through the roof in joy. She loved babies—always had.

He quickly joined Avelina, leaning down to inspect their newborn. She was the most beautiful girl in the world. The nurse came and clamped her umbilical cord.

"Would you like to do the honors, Dad?" the nurse asked Adrik, handing him a tool to cut the umbilical cord. It was different being referred to as someone's father, but it was a good different.

He couldn't take his eyes off their baby girl even as he cut the cord connecting her to her mother. It was quite tough to get through, but he managed to do it.

"Okay, Mom, we have to go run some tests and clean her up. Do we have a name for her?" the nurse asked just as the doctor walked out of the room after saying her goodbyes and stitching Avelina up.

Adrik looked over at Avelina. They never really got the chance to discuss any baby names. Just as Adrik gazed at Avelina, she gazed back.

"Marina," Adrik answered, turning to face the nurse. A smile came across Avelina's face.

The nurse grinned. "Beautiful name for such a precious girl," she said.

Avelina allowed the nurse to take the baby. It was impossible not to see the instant attraction she had for Marina. There was longing in her eyes the moment she was taken from her.

"I'll be right back with your paperwork," she said, walking out of the room after placing her inside of a carrier.

"Did you know Marina was my mother's middle name?" Avelina asked, turning to Adrik with a sleepily grin. She looked more pale than normal and it was obvious she was exhausted.

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