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"When I am silent, I talk with my pain..."


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SHE HATED HIM. He found himself repeating the words over and over again as he exited the hotel building.

"I hate you," he repeated, mocking her tone while opening the door to his vehicle. There was poison that dripped from every word, especially when it came from Avelina's mouth. It was suffocating his veins, sprinting on a straight path right to his heart where it slowly began to swell until it exploded.

"I thought you said that you love me," Adrik wished he had said. Instead, he told her goodnight, something that he picked up on when he read fictional novels. Goodnight was a term used affectionately, meaning that he wished Avelina well before her slumber. However, she took his kindness and molded it into ugliness before throwing it back at him. She hated him.

He stared at the hotel building, feeling an ache in his heart. The pain was worse than when Avelina didn't want him all those months ago. This time, she didn't want anything to do with him, she hated him, and there was no way he could ever change her mind.

He wished he could respect her wishes and just leave her alone, but she was pregnant with his child. Not only that, but there was a whole lot of trouble headed toward her. Vincent wasn't the only issue, there was also some strange woman named Camilla, Natasha, and Adrik's own enemies.

Once wind would get out that the woman carrying Adrik Zoltov's baby was unprotected in a hotel that seriously lacked security, people looking for revenge would flock to her like a bird. She'd have a bright red target on her back, and the last thing Adrik wanted was for her or his baby to get hurt.

Adrik's phone began to ring from his pocket as he sank into the seat of his car. The vibrations sent a wave of relief from his mind. He lifted it to see Anton's name.

Adrik put Anton in charge of finding Natasha. If he wanted to get Avelina back in his grasp, he had to also get Natasha. That way, Vincent would be without anyone to threaten Adrik with.

Maybe if Adrik played his cards right, he could do to Vincent what Vincent did to him.

Adrik answered the phone.

"I found Natasha. She actually wasn't too far from where Avelina resides. She's staying in a beat up motel and it looks like she is preparing to leave. You need to head there fast. I sent the location to your phone," Anton said. Just in time, Adrik's phone pinged with a message of where Natasha was staying.

He started up his vehicle and quickly drove down the street. He knew exactly where Natasha was. It was a motel they used to stay in when they were younger to escape their mother.

Natasha took care of Adrik. She did things for very bad people in order to make enough money to feed them, clothe them, and have a place for the both of them to stay in.

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