14 | mend relationships

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"Sad birds still sing" autum

AVELINA WAS TAKEN into a vehicle. She could hear the rumble of the car on the road as her attacker drove away from Adrik's home. She tried her best to scream and fight, but it was no use. After her attacker closed the door and drove off, she had no other choice but to sit there and cry.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, sobbing.

Suddenly, the bag on her head was ripped off. It took only a second for her eyes to adjust to the light before she looked around the car. It was a BMW with heavily tinted windows.

She studied around the vehicle, noticing no one was in the car except for a man in the driver's seat. She examined him, trying to figure out if she knew him, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't figure out who he was. He was just some man with a buzz-cut who had kidnapped her.

"What do you want from me?" she repeated, tearily.

He glanced over at her before reaching over to his sunglasses that sat folded up on the passenger seat. Avelina watched him slide them onto his sharp, pointed nose to cover his chocolate eyes. His nose was crooked probably from kidnapping women and getting hit a few times. It wasn't too far from his average-sized lips and butt-chin. It was like he tried to hide the dimple with the light stubble of his hair that spread from one cheek to the other.

She looked out of the window to see there was no car anywhere in site. There was just trees surrounding them for miles after miles.

"Who are you?" she tried.

Again, he didn't respond.

Avelina slid over to the door to try and pry it open, but of course, it didn't work. It must've been on child-lock.

"There is no way out. So, just sit and be quiet so nobody gets hurt," he ordered. She looked at him through the rear view mirror to see him glance at her baby bump.

She protectively wrapped her around around it and looked around for maybe a weapon she could use. There was nothing. Just as he advised, there was no way out of the situation.

"Can you at least tell me what you plan on doing with me?" she asked, trying to mask the fear in her voice and failing completely.

He only glanced at her through the rearview mirror again before focusing on the road.

Her stomach began to rumble very loudly. She instinctively began to rub her baby bump, trying her best to soothe it when a bag was thrown in the back seat.

"You have snacks in there. Grab what you want to eat then place it back in the passenger seat," the man ordered.

She hesitantly opened the small backpack. The bag was a combination of dark and light pink—something a mother would prepare for her toddler's first day of school. Avelina found it twisted how it was being used by a kidnapper to feed its pregnant prey.

Inside the bag was bags of chips, cut up fruit, candy, snack bars, and even chocolate bars. There was also plenty of water and bottled smoothies.

She gave a questionable look to her kidnapper before grabbing a water, a smoothie, the fruit, and a few bags of chips. There was reluctance in her movements as she placed the bag in the passenger seat just like he told her to do.

Avelina sat back in her seat, suddenly more content than before and began go eat.


The drive was long. Avelina didn't come across a single car the entire car ride aside from the occasional eighteen-wheeler that never paid her any mind. She would place her head close to the window and flail her arms but they never noticed her.

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