𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16 - Don't Get Between a Thug and his Queen

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| Jayla's POV

I open my eyes only to see bright white lights attempting to revoke my ability to see. A groan escaped my mouth and I put my arm over my eyes to block the light from my face. Voices sound all around me but I can hardly understand what they're saying. The world morphs into jet black and then white, it happens for nearly a minute straight when someone pinched my leg causing me to scream.

“Oh, she's alive! Girl wake up you had me crying for a damn week thinking you were dead.” I hear Kesha's unmistakable voice and groaned. “You owe me a dollar for every tear I shed on your behalf.”

I opened my eyes and see her staring at me with her pretty eyes. She grins and waves like a moron.

“What happened?” I asked, trying to sit up but in the end, Kesha had to help me do so. “I feel weird.”

“Why didn't you tell me you and Young G were fuckin'? Girl, I want all the details once you get out of here. Word on the street is he brought you to his house but some fellas from the Eastside Boyz Gang attacked and one of them shot you.” She explained and sat next to me with a worried expression. “I don't know how to tell you this, but the last few days have been like WW2. The Blood City Ballas and Eastside Boyz had a vicious war over what went down and a lot of people died because of it. Schools and businesses had to be closed, communities were on lockdown, and police littered the streets... Girl. It was a total bloodbath.”

I blinked at her, not making sense of what she was saying. What does she mean by bloodbath?

“Before you came here, Young G was a feared thug, but ever since the war with the Eastside Boyz, everyone in town, even the police department became terrified of him. They're so scared no one is making an effort to investigate the situation or lock anyone up. Nowadays when anybody hears that Young G and his thugs are passin' through the streets go empty. Not even wild animals are seen when he pulls up.

“A lot of people moved from Blood City to Fioreville or other communities after the showdown, we're all scared of him. Rumor has it he crushed the Eastside Boyz's leader's throat with his bare hands before chopping him to pieces and leaving his remains in a barrel of acid. Some say he even shot one of his gang members point-blank in the skull – his name was Eazy-J. I hate your goddamn boyfriend. I... I had a crush on Jonathan and he took his life. I didn't even get the chance to confess to him. Your man is a total psychopath.

“Did you know he killed our principal? Yeah, don't be surprised. Our principal was involved with the Eastside Boyz, she sold drugs for them in our school – and that's exactly where he killed her. He just walked into school one day, by himself, saw her in the hallway, and shot her dead. That dimwit killed everyone who was affiliated with, related to, or knew the Eastside Boyz on a personal level. Those who he didn't catch or let live, like the kids and their mothers, relocated faster than I can blink. And you know I can blink fast. Ever since Wednesday, nobody has seen him, today's Friday.” Kesha crossed her legs and stared at her newly done nails while I sat in astonishment.

The door opened and Grandma Dorothy walked in with her stick, when she saw me sitting up she smiled but it quickly faded. “What's wrong dear? You look like you've seen a ghost. You should be happy! You're awake now and you're okay, dear.”

“Is...is what Kesha said... True?” I asked.

Dorothy glared at Kesha. “You and your big mouth just had to tell her. You should've let me do it.”

She rolled her eyes heavenward and got up. “Jay, I'm so happy that you woke up but I have to go. I left my kids with the neighbors, but I'm gonna go for them and head home. Times have changed. I'm scared out of my mind. Jayla, please be careful. Curfew was updated too. Everyone should be off the streets by five in the evening. If God spears life, I'll come back to visit tomorrow. Take care!”

𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐠'𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 1Where stories live. Discover now