𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11 - The End of Us

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| Jayla's POV

"Why is the place so empty?" I asked, not seeing anyone lingering on the lane as we prowl through Aaryan's car. If any outsider were to pass through here they'd think it was an abandoned community or a haunted town.

"A murder just took place. Do you expect the people to celebrate?" I hear Aaryan reply, one hand on the steering wheel with the other on the gear switch.

"Hmm, I wonder why'd they do that anyway. People are so cruel nowadays. Mankind has no love for one another, sad reality," I think about the scene I'd witnessed and shuddered in disgust. "They murdered him in cold blood. That's chilling."

"He deserved to die, heck, he deserved way more," Aaryan's cold and emotionless words made me look at him weirdly. "He stole from one of the boys, that's the price you pay when you fuck with what ain't yours. If I wasn't busy getting beauty sleep I would've done it myself."

"Aaryan!" I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Y-you said you killed only five people. Don't tell me you lied and have killed more. It sounds like you have done a lot more..."

"I killed five people myself, that's the truth. I've ordered hundreds of other people to be killed, though," he casually slowed the car to a halt and picked up a water bottle from the space between the seats. "You're home now."

I look down the street and see the familiar lane with flower trees from neighbors hanging over their gates. I want to - and should - get up and leave the car, but I feel a negative energy coming from Aaryan. His expression and body language tell me that he's still very deeply upset by what happened earlier. I hang my head low in sadness.

"You don't wanna go home?" he asked, placing the bottle back after screwing the cork back on.

"I do! But you're mad at me and I can't have that," I take off my seatbelts and turn to him.

"I ain't mad."

"Yes, you are!"

"I said I ain't."

"Aaryan, you're angry with me. I can see it in your eyes," my voice gets low, a mist of gloominess shadowing my heart. "I thought we resolved this."

"Just get out and go be with your precious Grandma, it's cool," he looks through his window.

A tidal wave of anger washed me. He's kicking me out of his car because of a stupid misunderstanding? That's if you can even call it that. I have to fucking worry about my Grandma. When my house was burnt down and I had nowhere to live where the hell was he? When I had loads of homework to do who helped me? When I got my first period where was he to explain what I should do? This motherfucker thinks just because we're together I should forget about the woman who practically raised me because my mom was too busy shoving crack up her ass to give a damn.

"You're a real fucking asshole. Has anyone ever told you that?" I say with indignation, "A real selfish one at that. My parents were drug addicts who were in and out of jail. While they were busy sniffing coke and doing what-the-fuck-ever, my Grandma was the one who raised me and my brothers. Where the hell were you when drug dealers came to our house? When they started beating the shit out of my parents for not being able to pay off their debts, killed them then set everything on fire? Were you goddamn there to save me? Were you there to console me when I was told my whole family was burnt alive?

"My Grandma may not be the best person but she was there when no one else was. If you're gonna kill my Grandma then kill me too. You have some behavioral issues that you need to fucking sort out because if this is how this is gonna go then I don't wanna be a part of it. As a matter of fact, no, you and I are done. I'm not gonna do this."

𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐠'𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 1Where stories live. Discover now