Chapter 32 - Harold Taylor

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A/N: Diving deeper into Matt's life and mind. Enjoy.

Beautiful piano melodies have been spilling from that room all morning. I can't describe how wonderful a feeling it is to wake up to such a thing. I tiptoed to the door to peer in, and now I'm standing in the doorway, watching Matt play the piano. A smirk spreads over his face as he says, without looking up, "Are you just going to watch me, darling?"

I grin at him and enter the room, closing the door behind me. "No, you obviously need to be shown how it's properly done," I say and sit with him on the chair. My fingers start the intro to She's got a way about her, and I start humming alongside the melody.

Suddenly I feel Matt's lips on my neck and my fingers freeze on the tiles.

"Keep playing."

I try, I really do, I swear, but no one can play in this kind if situation. He knows damn well what he's doing.

And as suddenly as he began, he stops. He focuses back on the instrument, leaving me dumbfounded and in want of more.

"You are a..." I search for a word to throw at him that wouldn't just make him laugh. He lifts his gaze while still playing.

"Finish that sentence," he challenges me with squinted eyes.

After some time of staring I wave my hand. "Never mind."

He continues the song I have started earlier. I place my hands in my lap and watch his fingers, when I feel his gaze upon me, studying me, preparing for something.

"Sing for me, Laken".

What? No, I can't do that. I don't sing when others are listening — they might hear me! "No, sorry."

After a moment of silence he stops playing, turning his torso halfway over to me. "Why not?"

I exhale a tired breath, "I don't do that. I'm not that good of a singer..."

"I'm sure that's a lie but even if it isn't I don't care," he scoffs.

"Well, I do."

"Come on, please."

"Stop, Matt!" I stand up from the piano and spin away from him. I love singing but the thought of doing it in front of others alone is enough for my heart to stop, my palms to start sweating, my breathing getting heavier, harder.

I clench my fists behind my back as I look at him again. My nails start slowly digging into my flesh — something to relieve the stress.

"I'm sorry."

Without a word he stands up and hugs me.


In the evening, after basketball practice, Matt disappeared into his room. I went to ask if he was alright and the response I got was a light kiss and a gentle push away. And this next morning he didn't drive us to school because he didn't go to school. He is missing all day.

"Hey," I greet Dan, Ness and Sebastian when we meet for lunch.

"Where is Matt?" Nessa asks, twisting her neck as tho he's hiding somewhere.

"At home."


I shrug. "He locked himself in his room last night and hasn't come out since." I direct the next part at Dan. "Do you know anything about it?"

He silently shakes his head. He knows something. "Dan...what is it?"

After Ness also nudges him, his shoulders slump a little but he gives up. "He is going trough a rough time, that's all I can say."

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