Chapter 3 - School hierarchy

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Dad is no longer in the house when I go to school.

I enjoy the short ride from home to school, loving the purring of the motor and almost invisible shaking of the vehicle.

On the parking spots closest to the entrance are already parked Matt's and Dan's car, and they are both leaning against them, surrounded by a bunch of friends.

Life is serving some people better.

They are at the top of school hierarchy. I try to squeeze past them but without success. "I'm sorry."

"Just a bit of space please."

"Oh, come on!"

I finally get their attention when somebody pushes me by accident, causing me to spill coffee all over me. My sweater is completely soaked, I might as well toss it into trash.

"You have a problem?" Matt lifts his eyebrow; and that look. For the love of god, I nearly lose my balance. Even though I don't want to be that kind of girl that runs after guys and sighs every time they only smile or say a word, I can't help my heart turning around every time he looks in my direction. Which is almost never. At least I have fewer chances of a heart attack.

"What do you think?" I say sardonically.

"I think you are interrupting a conversation and that is not polite."

"Up yours, Matt."

"What is with all the hatred? We don't even know each other." He looks genuinely confused. Like he can't believe that someone isn't adoring him.

I roll my eyes and push past their group of famous, that lives in an unrealistic world. Even some teachers indulge them.

I almost reach school, when Matt's hand grabs me and turns me around, so I am now facing him.

"Today at library?"

What is he talking about? He sees my confusion, so he explains, "I'm not implying on anything. Tutoring?"

"Right. No." I can't tell him directly that I won't be tutoring him anymore, otherwise the teacher would keep my in this year a year longer, by failing me at her class. I asked her if he could get anyone else but she said that no one is available, so I don't really have a choice.

"What do you mean no?"

"N. O. As in a negative answer or decision." I pull my hand out of his grip and rush inside before he could grab me again.

If it will be up to me, I won't help him again.

He catches up to me. "Why not?"

"I can't," I answer, still rushing past lockers and classrooms. It doesn't look half as hard for him as it is for me. More like a casual stroll in the park.

"You have to help me." So he knows, ha?

I stop with a sigh while thinking. I can't just let him fail. He won't be able to graduate. Besides, my conscience would eat me alive - inside out. I lose a fight with myself, how could I argue with him?

"Fine. But leave your phone at home." I sound like a mother and I couldn't care less. Before I exhale, he is gone.


A/N: Short one. Vote if you liked it. If you have any ideas, what picture should I put at the beginning of the chapter, please write in the comments. (For every chapter that won't have a photo, please.)

Can't wait, Lazyonthebalcony

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