Chapter 6 - I judge a book by its covers

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My eyes are still completely puff, it's why the teacher sent me out of the classroom to calm down, even though I've been doing that for the last thirty minutes.

"No, no I'm fine. Really." She lifts her eyebrows and looks at me in disbelief but eventually nods towards an empty seat. Everyone is looking at me like I am a freak and I honestly couldn't care less.

I don't listen to the teacher and almost wouldn't hear the bell, if some guy wouldn't push me. But it was not because he would want to point out the end of the lecture — simply because he tripped over my bag.

"Watch it," he murmurs.

I grab my bag and run out of the classroom. In the hall, I bump into strong and tall body and fall back on the floor.

Matt is looking down on me, totally calm. "Stop ignoring me," he says before I even stand up.

"What? I am not ignoring you."

"You are avoiding me and not helping me." I growl, I was actually hoping till now, that he forgot about it.

"But you got to understand why?"

"No, I really don't." He pulls his backpack strap away from his body.

"Excu - how?" His green eyes are honestly wondering.

"You are a jerk, Matt." He opens his mouth to say something but closes them immediately and I lift my eyebrows.

"You still have to help me." This is all he says. I squeeze my lips shut so hard it hurts, before I sigh in defeat and nod.


"No, not there," he says like he can make up his mind.

"We don't have a lot of options really."

"What about your place?" Yeah sure. So he can see my dad, harassing my mom. I don't think so.


"My place then." And he turns to leave.

"Matt wait!" I scream. He stops in the middle of the hallway while all eyes turn on us.

"Why are you yelling?" He asks with widened eyes.

"I wanted you to hear me."

"I'm not deaf. Although I might become. You can be surprisingly loud."

I stick my tongue out to him.


"After school. Wait for me in the parking lot." This time he leaves for real.

I pull out my phone and send a text to my mom to inform her, that I will be going to Matt's after school. Well, more like asking for permission.

Mom - Fine, but be careful. Will you be alone?
I text back that his parents will be at home and that I'll call her as soon as I get there.
Mom - Fine then. Love you <3

Mom has very little to no trust in boys and she gets worried if I just talk to one. It's not so much about not trusting me, she's just worried that one of them will do something to me. And god knows she had her fair share of man trouble in her life.

The bell rings and I slowly get going towards the cafeteria. It's not like anyone is waiting for me.

Before I even make it half way, a hand grabs my hair and pulls me to the girls bathroom. "Ow!" I scream as the hand pins me to the wall. The pressure in my head eases off, while the hand backs off and, with sparkling eyes, Marly looks at me.

Every girl wants to be like her and every guy wants to sleep with her. She sure is a beauty, with her long legs, thin waist, her chestnut hair that falls over her shoulders in a long, graduated hair cut and her brown eyes that just radiate evil.

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