Chapter 27 - Lying on the floor

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A/N: Anyone else? It's a lot more comfortable than you would've thought.
Heads up, a mature scene ahead.

After the long talk with Mom, I am so exhausted all I want to do is sleep. And then some more. I drag myself up the staircase and into the room, only to find Matt already waiting there. He is sitting on the bed, looking at his hands in his lap, and when the door opens, his neck rapidly turns at the same time as he stands up.

No words are needed; I simply shrug my shoulders, not being able to keep the emotions in. Tears come before I can finish the wanna-be-nonchalant-looking gesture again, despite my attempts to desperately keep them back. In two strides his arms wrap around me.

It's one of his hugs again. Those hurt-consuming embraces that feel like I've finally found my place. He lowers his head to my shoulder, pulling me even closer to him and we blend in one. Our bodies fit perfectly together — two pieces of a puzzle.

"I told her," I exhale in his shirt, feeling lighter as I say it. "About the man in the parking lot."

He lets out a long breath, like he's trying to say, That's good.

"I want to lay down," I say after some time of silence and hugging.


Before he can finish what he wanted to say, I slip out of his arms and lay down on the floor. They are nice and cold and I can already feel my body relaxing. Even when I was a kid I liked to do this, because there is something weirdly serene about lying down on the floor. And it doesn't even have to be on a rug, only parquet will do.

"What are you doing?" Matt tries to suppress his laughter.

"I'm lying on the floor."

"I can see that."

Despite mocking me he still does a push-up kind of move to join me. We stare at the ceiling, not saying anything. His hand wiggles towards mine, discreetly intertwining our fingers.

"This is actually pretty good," he says.

"I know, right."

Matt turns on his side and I turn my face in his direction. He supports his head with one hand, while moving a loose strand out of my face with the other. I close my eyes, enjoying his gentle touch.

"We should do this more often."

I fully agree.

"I once had sex on floor like this," he blurts out when he readjusts himself on his back.

I burst out laughing. I don't know why, it's just in the way he said it and it was so unexpected that I couldn't ignore it.

"Not the reaction I was expecting."

"I'm sorry," I say and wipe away the tears — from crying before and dying of laughter now.

"No, no, please, continue. I like your laugh."

Guess what I did? That's right; blushed! I curse the hell out of him in my head.

But I like it when he talks to me like that. With a special gentleness in his undertone.

I prop myself on my elbow and look at him.

"Tell me a secret," I whisper.

He smiles, leaning closer to me, and when he speaks, his breath tingles my lips. "I like you, a lot."

"That's not the kind of secret I hoped for." My thoughts can barely stay focused with him so close.

"That's the best I've got."

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