Chapter 20 - Finally

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A/N: Writing from someone else's point of view. It was fun diving into his mind.
The picture above is of George Noel Gordon Byron, after whom one of the characters got the name, because his poetry is to me what that cabin in the woods is to Laken. And doesn't he have a certain appeal, that makes a person wish to know him? Maybe it's just me.
PS: This is one of the more adult chapters, just to warn anyone, who doesn't want to read that.
I hope you'll enjoy.

Dan's POV

This is it, tonight I'm going to tell her. I just need to find my balls and put them back where they belong.

Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Moore were going to have a women evening, as they phrased it, which I respect. Laken's mom has been trough a lot and she needs some time to relax, and what better way to do that than with your friend? I was a little concerned tho, because everyone knows that girls sleepovers become real serious after midnight and those are just girls, who knows what two grown women would surprise us with.

At the meantime, Nessa will take us out to a nearby town so we give moms some space. She said they have the best night club and that the people are super nice too. She kept talking about some of her friends there, who I was honestly excited to meet. I want to know as much as I can about this girl.

I am now driving us by her instructions in the minivan we came with.

Matt and Laken are sitting in the back together, but not as close as a boyfriend and girlfriend should be. I know they aren't a 'thing' anymore, although Matt didn't want to tell me what happened. But he was so pissed, he broke a chair in one of the classrooms after he threw it into a wall. I don't support that kind of behaviour, still, he is my friend and seeing him this unhappy did not sit well with me. You help your bro out, you know?

"Turn left!" Nessa screams in my ear and I barely turn the wheel in time.

"What's with the yelling?!"

"I told you five times already. What were you think about?"

I look in the rearview mirror and whisper, leaning a bit to her side while still keeping my eyes on the road.

"About Matt and Laken."

She turns in her seat and I have to turn her back forward with one hand.

"Don't be so obvious, this van is not that big. It's called minivan for a reason."

"Laken has been pretty bummed about that thing too."

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Of course, she is my friend."

When she catches the brief change of my mood, showing on my face, she scrunches her eyebrows and get small wrinkles in between. Her cheeks flush a bit and honestly, she has never looked cuter and I wish for nothing more than to lean in and kiss her right now.

"Sorry," she apologises.

"No need to apologise, you did nothing wrong," I honestly chuckle.

"You guys know we can hear you, right?" Matt says from behind.

"Yeah, it's only a car," Laken adds.

I don't know two people, better suited for each other than this two. How are they not together? What could've possibly happen, that was that bad? I mean, Matt did have a tendency to...swing from girl to girl, but I thought those days were behind him. And he wouldn't cheat on Laken, right? She was all he could talk about for the last couple of months, beside basketball. For gods sakes, he let her open a window in his car while it was raining! He doesn't even let me do that. That is what I call true love. Even if they don't know it yet.

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