Chapter 28 - Men and horses

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A/N: Who else has watched this movie?

Out fourth day in the cabin is slowly running out. We are sitting at the desk in the kitchen, playing cards. Matt and Dan came out with hand made cigars and are now pretending to be mafia bosses in a casino. Nessa, Andrew and I are having a kick out of it.

The five of us are playing Uno.

"Just put a card on, it's not that hard!" Nessa rolls her eyes at Matt, who hasn't made a move in about one minute. She's losing it.

Matt throws on his card, Dan puts on his afterwards and wins the game. Again. We've been playing for an hour and he has won almost every single time.

"Ha! Suck it, losers. You all suck!"

"I'm not going to suck tonight," Nessa crosses her arms over her chest, making Dan's jaw drop.

"Wait, I was joking."

"I'm not."

She flashes him the kindest of smiles and deals the cards again.

"I'm not playing anymore," Andrew says and leaves the table, muttering something about how he has a bad headache.

"It's not going to be as fun if it's just the four of us, but I can manage with this kind of numbers." Nessa is ready for another round, practically bouncing off her chair, but the rest of us are tired of the same game over and over again.

One by one we start standing up and Nessa cries out. I know from experience, it's best to leave now, before she gets to worked up and starts arguing with everyone, which would then resolve in her not talking to anyone for the rest of the evening.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Dan suggests and hugs her around the shoulders.

"I suppose we can."

"What should we watch?" Matt asks, already holding the TV remote.

"Fight club!" Dan pumps his fists up in the air.

"I want to watch Some like it hot."

Dan looks down at Nessa and clears his throat. "That sounds like an R-rated kind of movie. I'm in."

"It's not," I shake my head.

"Oh, well, then back to violence. Fight club." He throws his hands up once again.

"You've watched that eight times already," Matt points at him with the remote, "can't we watch something else?"

"Don't fight the classics. Fight other dudes to relieve your everyday stress."

"What do you want to watch, darling?"

Matt turns to me with a sexy smirk, probably not knowing what that nickname does to my knees.

"I don't know, you pick."

"No, I asked you."

He looks calm and ready to wait the whole night if it takes me that long to pick.

"We are going to be here until morning, aren't we?" Nessa whispers, leaning closer to Dan

"Then put on Perfume," I decide.

Matt lifts an eyebrow but doesn't say anything and looks for the movie on TV.

"Hold up, what kind of movie is this?" Dan suspiciously asks.

"You'll see."

"Why can't we just watch a western?" he whines, pouting his lips.

"You think John Wayne would be a better option?"

He looks at me kinda funny. "You watch westerns?" And when I nod he adds, "You don't strike me as that type of person."

"I occasionally enjoy watching men on horses."

"Did you ever ride horses yourself?"

"Yes, when I was younger I'd go to a camp every summer."

"I'm sure Matt would love to be your horse and help you renew your riding knowledge," Dan exhales like it's the most normal thing, and sits on the couch.

I gape at him and Matt drops the remote on the floor."Let's just watch the movie," he mutters, pressing play.

I take a sit next to Dan and Matt takes one beside me, stretching his arm over the head rest and slowly starts running his fingers up and down my shoulder. I shiver at the touch, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips on me.

"Can I come in or are you having an orgy in there?" Andrew's voice echoes in the room.

"Jesus, Andrew," Matt laughs with a low, raspy laugh of his.

Nessa's phone rings and she stands up to answer as she shouts, "Mama, Ivan zove."

"Do any of you have any clue as to what she just said?" Andrew asks, still looking at the door trough which she disappeared.

"I think something about someone calling...?" I say extremely sceptical of my poor understanding of the language.

"How do you know?"

"When you hang out as much as we do, you get the hang of it."

Nessa comes back into the room, walking past us like we're not even there, talking to an elderly lady and a young man over FaceTime. She goes out trough another door at the left side of the room and leaves us waiting once again.

"Should we continue with the movie or..." Dan leans forward and picks up the remote from the coffee table.

"Just do it." Matt waves his hand and Dan presses the play button.

Nessa returns after half an hour looking exhausted and annoyed. She sits down but doesn't say a word so Matt decides to take it upon himself to ask some questions.

"So, who did you talk to?"

"My cousin and my mom's aunt." Her voice is bland and she doesn't avert her attention from the screen.

"And how did it go?"

She slowly turns her head, exhales with closed eyes and then says, "Do you really think it went well?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

"If you really want to know, no, they get on my damn nerves."

We drop the subject and catch her up on what's happened in the movie.

"Ha, this guy is a real sicko."

"You can't look at him that way, but basically yes."

"What the fuck did your girlfriend make us watch, Matt," Dan adds, although I can see he finds the movie interesting. He doesn't pay much attention to what he said but Matt and I freeze like ice cubes in the freezer.

Matt looks over at me carefully and I do the same, not knowing what to expect from him.

"We're not...we are...huh?"

I couldn't have said it better.

We are literally saved by the bell when the microwave's alarm goes off and Nessa exclaims, "Popcorn!"

I'm able to relax a little trough the evening but Matt still seems pretty tense when the credits roll on the screen.

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