Chapter 28

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"Wow, and you didn't invite me?" I heard Luca yell from behind me as I stared up at the orange and red sky. Turning around I rolled my eyes at him before shuffling to the side to make room for him. It's kinda become our place, we've come here every Friday just like I used to with my mom but this time it's with him. At first it was unintentional, but as the weeks went by it became a regular thing. He'd show up with a drink or snacks every time and we'd sit here for hours sometimes saying nothing, sometimes saying everything.

"Thanks." I mumbled when I took the milkshake from him leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I want to take you on a date. A real date that's not hijacked by a dare." He said after a couple moments of silence. I do owe him a proper date, we both know that whole Mario Kart costumes dare date was the furthest thing from it.

Selfishly, I wanted to go on a date at least once before I completely leave this place. I want a real, normal high school memory as a 'fuck you' to the universe. To show that despite everything that's been thrown my way to bulldoze me down, I still had one normal memory. Something I could maybe tell my kids about when they're teenagers and ask about my very first date. I could care less if it's at eighteen years old, a first date is a first date regardless of when you have it.

"Hmm I dunno..." I teased as I watched him furrow his eyebrows at me.

"Why the fuck not?" He frowned.

"I'm kinda sorta seeing someone and went on a date with him the other day." I said biting my lip. He shuffled away from me to turn and completely face me.

"And who the fuck did you go on a date with? And when? Are you kidding me? You never said anything about seeing anyone." He said in annoyance as he waited for an explanation.

"His names Mario, it was only two days ago." I shrugged as his jaw dropped.

"Two days ago? Wait a fucking minute, was that when you told me to drop you off home? You made me drop you off home so another fucking guy could take you on a date? If I had known there was no way I'd have let you gone." He said as he shot up from the floor.

"Oops?" I said, biting back a laugh.

Narrowing his eyes at me, he spun around and started storming off. A wide grin made its way to my face watching how bothered he was.

"It's not my fault he's not a hot moustache and the sexiest huge red hat." I yelled behind him. He froze in place.

Six seconds went by, I counted, and he turned around and shot me a look of absolute disbelief. I burst into a fit of laughter as he stormed back over to me, the sparkle of amusement in his eyes betraying the 'anger' on his face.

"You're fucking evil." He said, his face barely inches away from mine as I soon stopped laughing and stared into his eyes.

I swear his eyes had fireworks or something exploding inside them with how much they were twinkling. It baffles me how much I've changed over the last few weeks, months even. A huge part of me was convinced that I'd stay the same girl for the rest of my life. Heartless, unbothered, and cold. A person who freezes everyone out, especially those who try to get close. Never did I picture myself laughing, smiling, and joking as carelessly as I was now. I could count on one hand how many times I had smiled and laughed and all those times were with my mother. She was the one person I could count on to lift my mood, until she wasn't. Until seeing her made me more sad than it did happy.

"Thank you." I whispered, staring deep into his eyes.

"Don't thank me, Luna." He said softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, holding my face in his hands.

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