Chapter 27

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Embarrassment is a strange emotion. People laugh and find amusement when others are embarrassed, but when it's their turn they want the earth to open up and swallow them while then and there. Yet they still laugh? Surely if you were to put yourself in their position you'd lock yourself away in the Bermuda Triangle.

Sure, sometimes it genuinely is funny like when Sebastian was convinced the head chef at Scoops was out to kill him and had mixed used toothpaste in his drink. Not a single word anyone was saying was registering in his mind. Not when we told him he was being ridiculous, or when we told him to shut his mouth before we gave him bleach instead. Okay that was me. Anyway, the way he demanded to speak with the chef and forced him to drink his drink only for him to say 'that's mint chocolate chip kiddo', was mortifying. Poor Sebastian went redder than the crab in 'The Little Mermaid' and began profusely apologising before forcing his way into the kitchen and started washing up to make up for what he had just done. He then stood on the table and announced that the mint chocolate chip milkshake was the best he'd ever had.

There's no saving him, he is who he is and there's no changing him. Strangely enough that makes my heart happy. There are very little things left in the world that genuinely make my heart happy and as nauseating as it sounds, these boys have barged into my life and become a small, minuscule, almost nonexistent percentage of that.

"This is embarrassing." I mumbled out as I chewed my bottom lip and stared at my plate of food in front of me.

"It's not embarrassing." Luca said, I could practically hear the eye roll. "You're over thinking as per usual, just ignore everyone else and enjoy your meal." He said softly, placing his hand over mine to stop them from fidgeting.

"This is the last time I ever try make anyone happy." I grumbled, cringing at the obnoxiously loud shuffling sound my costume was making.

"You make a gorgeous princess peach." He said as I finally built up the courage to look up from my plate. It was the safer option of the two, if I looked down all I saw was my food and the carpet, but if I looked up I'd see Luca along with the other people who were no doubt looking at us.

"You'd make a prettier one, want to swap?" I said sarcastically as his smile widened.

"You really want to? Because I will." He said pushing the huge red hat back just for it to slip back over his eyes.

"No we made a promise." I glared as Sebastian's annoying face and annoying dare popped into my head. "I'm full and suddenly don't want to eat anymore." I said, pushing my plate of untouched food back.

"Why the fuck not? You didn't eat today. Eat." He said, narrowing his eyes as me.

"No, I told you I'm done." I glared, hoping there was some way I could shoot my thoughts to him with my mind so he'd understand what I was doing before going all caveman.

"We're not leaving till you eat something, I don't care if I look ridiculous you look stunning so eat." He said, stabbing his fork into a piece of his pasta and shoving it in his mouth. I hate men, how hard is it for them to get a message as simple as this? Can he not read the obvious expression on my face? Is he that clueless?

"Stop being so fucking clueless and get up and leave with me." I whispered harshly so Sebastian, Gabriel, and Alex who were not so subtly spying on us three tables over could hear.

His face instantly lit up in realisation before clearing his throat and standing up.

"Oh sweetheart are you not feeling well? Let's get you home." He said, dropping two twenty dollar bills on table before I left two twenties for the tip. He shot me a glare before picking up my two twenties and putting his own.

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