Chapter 7

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Valentine's Day is probably the one day each year where I literally want to disappear off the face of the earth. Happy couples everywhere you go holding the usual bouquet of red roses and box of chocolates. It's quite pointless though if you ask me. Why should people dedicate a single day in the whole year to express their 'love' for their significant other? It's never made much sense to me why girls would go completely crazy over this day and why boys would stress till their heads pop in finding the perfect gift. I find it quite funny actually, it's amusing to watch I can't even lie.

"No PDA in the halls I know it's Valentine's Day but no one cares!" Martha, my chemistry teacher, yelled as she separated a couple who were shamelessly making out in the middle of the hallway among the fifty other couples.

I think today is the one day where I'll actually be able to tolerate Martha and her constant need to put in her two cents. I can't complain though, she efficiently gets rid of as much of the disgustingly happy couples and makes my day slightly more tolerable.

"Alone on Valentine's Day? Should I be surprised?" I heard a voice said from behind me as I shut my locker and spun around to unwillingly face whoever it was.

"Lucinda, I thought we made an unspoken rule to never breathe each other's air again." I said as I rolled my eyes and started my unnecessarily long walk to class as he walked next to me.

"So you don't want the lift key then?" He teased as I froze in surprise and immediately snapped my head in his direction. No way.

"Happy Valentine's Day sugarplum." Ignoring the disgusting name he just called me, he smirked as he handed me a key with a red ribbon attached to it along with a little ice cream key chain hanging off of it. Raising an eyebrow at the key chain, I gave him a confused look as I watched his smirk stretched into somewhat a smile.

"You're as sweet as you are cold." He said with a faux love sick face on his face almost making me laugh. I said almost.

"And you're as ugly as you are ugly." I said with a sickeningly sweet smile before turning around walking towards the lift instead of the stairs.

"So all is forgiven?" He asked as shouted from behind me sounding almost nervous as I spun the key ring around my finger not bothering to give him an answer. He is, and if he thinks he isn't then that's ridiculous. He got me a lift key for god sake. You can't get better than that.

Making my way up to the fifth floor, I walked down the long hallway before carelessly throwing open the classroom door and heading straight to my usual seat. The only unusual thing being, half of Lucinda's little group was sitting on the two empty chairs I like I put my feet and bag on.

Rolling my eyes, I sat down and watched Sebastian grin at me as he turned his full attention to me instead of the wonders of physics.

"Can I help you? You're both in my seats by the way." I told them with a bored look as Gabe matched mine while Sebastian's grin didn't move.

"How can we be sat in your seats Ava, you're not ten feet wide?" He snorted as he leaned back and watched me take my notebook and pen out before throwing my bag onto his lap.

"That chair is for my feet." I said as I pointed to the chair Sebastian was sitting in. "And that chair is for my bag." I said as I pointed to the chair Gabe was sitting in.

"Well, now your feet and bag have some cushioning." He grinned as I gave him an amused look before rolling my eyes and opening my notebook. The only thing I find remotely interesting about physics are the numbers. That's all.

"You got here quite quick." Gabe commented. I'm surprised he even spoke to me in the first place.

"You're not mute?" I asked sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and turned to the front. "Your girlfriend bribed me for forgiveness. Who am I to refuse a good bribe?" I shrugged as he glared at me, but I could see the slight hint of amusement in his eyes.

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