Chapter 15

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When I was a kid, I was never really allowed to watch cartoons. Mom had always tried to sneak something in whenever she could, however Vincent never allowed it and what he says goes. He claimed that he paid for everything in the house and would decide who was able to use it. Take a wild guess on who wasn't on his list of people.

The only time I could freely watch cartoons, was in school when a student was allowed to pick their favourite thing to watch for that hour. I was thankful my name was the lowest on the list because then I was able to choose from all the ones everyone else had chosen from and watch my favourite one.

The girls would typically choose things like dora the explorer, Sofia the first, doc McStuffins, Elena of Avalor, or anything remotely princessy. The boys would choose things like Rory the racing car, Bob the builder, Handy Manny, and anything else that was a stereotypical boys show.

I loved them both. At times I wanted to be just like Rory and be a race car driver or like Bob and build things, other times I wanted to be Elena and be a hero, or Sofia and talk to animals and summon up princesses. However it wasn't till the first time Vincent had laid his hands on me where I had decided to be a doctor. Not you're typical doctor that physically fixes you up, but a doctor of the mind. A therapist.

The word therapist was so foreign to me that I hadn't known what it was till I learnt properly about it in freshman year. When we had odd psychology lessons a month. I hadn't even known mental health was a thing till Mrs Farrow had mentioned it along with the long list of mental health issues people could possibly have. 

And then my mom happened. I spent hours and hours researching why she was how she was. Why she always locked herself in her room, why she never smiled, why she barely ate. It was there and then I decided I didn't want to be a doctor and stitch people up, I've seen enough blood and bruises for a life time. I don't need to see any more.

"Avery, I read your assignment last night. Great job!" Mrs Farrow smiled as she gave me a quick side hug and placed the stack of papers in front of me. The large red 'A Plus' staring right back at me but I couldn't find it in me to care.

Taking my paper, I carelessly shoved it in my bag and zipped it closed before standing up and leaving. I ignored her calling after me and made a beeline for the bathroom. That's enough school for one day. 

Walking into the bathroom and stared back at myself in the small square mirror in front of me. I could see a hint of blue under my eye that I poorly tried to cover with my moms expired make up. Walking into her room along was draining, it brought back memories I didn't want to remember. The happy ones. I don't want to remember how happy she used to be once upon a time. I don't want to remember how happy we used to be once upon a time. What difference does it make? It only makes it worse.

Washing my hands, I grabbed a few paper towels and dried them before walking out of the bathroom. I ran into someone's chest and instantly grabbed onto the wall to balance myself but instead the person was holding me up by my waist.

I instantly shoved his hands off and took a step back to see none other than Luca Romano staring back at me. It was different this time. Every other time he even glanced at me he's always scowling, glaring. This time he's...smiling.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he looked at me in confusion but smiled nonetheless.

"I should be asking you. Sorry for bumping into you by the way." He apologised as I took a cautious step back.

"Are you going to stab me or some shit? Because if you are spare me the sweet talk and get it over with." I said as I narrowed my eyes at him while he burst into a fit of laughter. I don't remember making a joke.

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