9: Maria

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Silas dropped me at my apartment after all. He sat beside me till I felt like it. He didn't move even when I asked him to – I didn't have the energy to fight him, so I let it be and let him drop me home. I told him the directions and, other than that, we didn't really exchange words – he was silently driving toward my apartment and I was looking out the window. I could feel his gaze on me from time to time, but I ignored it.

When we reached my building, I turned to him, thanked him, and stepped out of the car. I didn't turn around – not even once. I just kept walking tensely and coldly till I heard his car speeding away. I halted and turned around to look at the empty stop where his car was once parked. I didn't wait any longer and rushed into the apartment – I was already freezing. I needed to change my clothes before I catch a cold. After I took a hot shower, dried my hair, and changed into fresh dry clothes, I stepped out of the bathroom and threw the towel on the bed. I blew my cheek out and sat on the bed. I fell back and lay on the bed while a recap of the earlier event ran through my head. I was tangled in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I pushed myself on my elbows and looked at the closed door. "Yes," I called out while knitting my eyebrows.

The door opened and Leo walked in – he had a cup in his hand. I could see steam leaving the cup. "It is cold outside so I made hot chocolate for you," he said. He offered me a smile before he turned around and grabbed another cup from the table just beside my bedroom door. He limped in and offered me one of the cups. I took it from his hand and thanked him as he sat beside me on the bed. He sighed while he stared ahead, "I saw you two," he spoke. I knitted my eyebrows and turned my head to look at him. He turned his head to look at me as well, "I saw you with Silas downstairs," he clarified. I bit my lower lip and nodded, "He – he dropped me home. Uh – he saw me walking in the rain and offered to give me a ride," I couldn't tell him everything – I know how possessive he can be.

He nodded his head, "You could have called me," He said while looking at the cup in his hand. "I tried, but I couldn't reach you or Charlie – I didn't want to wait for the bus so late, so he started to walk and that's where Silas saw me and he gave me a ride home," I explained to him. Leo gulped while keeping his eyes on the cup.

After a short pause, he sniggered, "I feel bad for you," He spoke. I frowned, "What do you mean?" I asked. He sniggered again and, without looking at me, he answered, "You are so unlucky. You married a guy like Silas and you have a brother like me – both of us are good for nothing," he said.

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder – I sure am disappointed in my brother, but that doesn't mean that I would let him degrade himself. "Leo, you are not a bad brother. Sure, you don't like to share what actually happened when you were in Afghanistan and why you left in the first place, but I am sure you must have a reason." I tried to console him.

Leo chuckled, "I was a coward. I left you and Dad behind when you needed me the most. I couldn't do anything for both of you." He added. I put my hand around his shoulder, "Leo, look at the bright side – will you? You are finally starting your life over. You are going to do residency and then you will get your doctor's license. You are moving forwards and that's all we need." I told him. Leo looked at me and sighed, "Why aren't you angry with me?" He asked. I chuckled, "I was – I was very angry with you. You are you left us at the prime of our lives, but I cannot stay mad at you forever. I don't know the reason why you went, but I am sure it wasn't easy for you either." I told him. "You know it really makes me sad?" I asked him. He looked at me as I continued, "You won't let us in. You have built these walls around you that I or Papa can't break down." I continued, "Leo, almost every night I hear you scream in your sleep and it hurts me to pretend the next morning that I didn't hear you in agony. I see how sometimes you are in so much pain and it kills me when you don't let us help you." I told him.

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