7: Maria

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It is funny how unpredictable everything is. When you are living a happy life thinking everything is going great, when life can't get better when you are thankful for what you have got, and then all of a sudden it is snatched from your hands and you can't do anything about it. You can just see it being taken away from you and cry. When I was a kid my mother used to tell me that God takes away people He thinks are too precious to be in this world – maybe that's why she left us so soon – maybe that is exactly why Susan had to leave too. I couldn't sleep all night – I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was gone. I hope – I wished for it to be untrue, but I was left wishing for the illusory. She was gone – Susan died and I couldn't be with her during her last days. A tear fell from my eye as I tossed in my bed thinking about the beautiful young life that ended so soon.

I could hardly concentrate during my shift at the bar tonight – I couldn't grasp the news. I left early to come back home to cry, but I didn't forget to call a cab for Marcus before I left. He was a mess. He was grieving, but I couldn't console him because it was too hard for me to accept the truth as well. I needed some time alone and that's why I asked the manager if I could leave and left before my shift could end. My manager, Patrick, knows me well – he knows I never leave unless it is urgent – maybe that's why he left me to go without asking me any questions.

The next day, I didn't see Silas or Marcus at the Hotel. It would have been a great day for me if I hadn't got the news about Susan's death last night. I was still feeling low and I could hardly concentrate on work. Elna and Charlie could sense my discomposure, but I am glad they didn't vocalize their concerns – I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be done with work at both jobs and go home. Charlie did ask me if I was okay earlier this morning – I promised her that I would tell her everything, but not during work hours because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my emotions in. During the day, I overheard a couple of employees saying that Silas was going to the airport to receive his family. If that were true, then I don't even want to think about the fiasco that would occur if I encountered them. Simply put – It will be a complete nightmare.

Later in the evening, the club was busier than it usually is. The loud music was drilling holes in my head – I was already emotionally and physically tired. I just want to be done with this day already. "Hey, are you okay?" Charlie asked as she sipped her drink. She often visits me after her shift at the hotel. The manager, Patrick, knows that she is my friend and that she never comes to my work, so he always lets her stay.

I looked at her and passed her a jaded smile, "Everything's a mess," I replied as I cleaned the counter with a tablecloth.

She twisted her mouth, "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

I shrugged, "I guess, but not right now. I have work to do," I answered her back.

She pressed her lips together and turned around to look around. She waved her hand in the air when she saw Patrick, "Hey, Patrick." She called him out. He looked over towards us and smiled before walking nearer us.

"Hey there Charlie, how are you doing tonight?" He asked.

She smiled and nodded, "I am doing well. Hey, listen – would it be okay if Maria took a small break?" She asked.

He narrowed his eyes, "How small are we talking about?" He asked.

"Twenty minutes?" She questioned.

Patrick looked around the club and nodded, "Fine, but don't take longer than that. We are already short of staff tonight." He said directly to me before he walked away.

Charlie looked at me and smiled, "Let's go out and take some fresh air," she said.

I saw people smoking, drinking, and dancing around. It was a disco night tonight at the bar. It is quite an outdated theme, but people seem to enjoy it - at least the regulars do. The blinking lights were only making my headache grow – at this time, fresh air doesn't sound so bad. I followed Charlie out of the club and sighed in relief as I breathed in the cold yet fresh air. The silence around felt nice – I blew my cheeks out and looked at Charlie, looking at me, "What?" I asked her.

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