Chapter 64: Scared of my feelings

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At lunchtime Friday, I have no one to sit with.

Izzy has dance practice for the game tonight and Tyler has football practice.

I decide to sit on my truck bed to eat lunch.

I'm scrolling through my phone when I hear. "Katie?"

I look up to see Stacy walking towards me with a huge smile.

She is wearing high-waisted wide-leg jeans and a flannel over a black sports bra.

She always looked amazing. I look down at my outfit and frown. I'm wearing bootcut jeans, cowgirl boots, and a cropped long-sleeve shirt.

Oh well, I dress more casual and comfortable.

"Hey, Stacy," I respond.

We've been texting a lot today. Stacy is actually fun to talk/text with.

"Can I join?" Stacy asks.

I swallow a bite of my sandwich. "Of course."

She sits down beside me and opens her school bag to take out crackers.

"Why aren't you at cheer practice?" I ask.

"They kicked me off," Stacy replies simply.

I choke. "Why?"

"Well, Sophie found out I talked to you and told coach my secret," Stacy says.

I want to ask her what the secret is, but I didn't want to overstep.

"You can ask, Katie," Stacy says munching on crackers.

"What's the secret?" I ask quickly.

"Two years ago I was diagnosed with dyslexia. Last year I was failing all my classes. They wanted to hold me back."

Stacy sighs, and I squeeze her hand. "My father was pissed. He didn't want his daughter to have to repeat her junior year. So he made a very large 'donation' and they let me pass."

Stacy shakes her head. "He could care less about me any other time."

"Are you disappointed about cheer?" I ask.

Stacy grins. "I'm relieved. It will give me time to focus on school and photography."

My mouth drops. "You're a photographer?"

Stacy blushes. "I wouldn't go that far."

I put my sandwich down. "Well, now I have to see your work."

Stacy's blush deepens. "Okay."

She pulls out her phone and shows me her photos. I recognize some but I can't remember from where.

Then it clicks. "Your PhotoAnonymous on Instagram!"

Stacy covers her face with her hand. "Ugh, yes."

PhotoAnonymous well, Stacy had a couple hundred thousand followers. Most of the stuff she posts is people or things from school.

She's the one who took that picture of me and Wyatt at his last game.

The one where he picked me up and spun me around.

The one that everyone from school shared.

"You should be the school's photographer," I say mesmerized by her photos.

Stacy puts her phone away. "Oh, I'm not that good."

I scoff. "Stacy, those are beautiful."

Stacy smiles softly. "Maybe."

I get an idea. "How much do you charge for senior pictures?"

Her entire body freezes. "I've never done them before."

"Izzy and I want to take them at our barn, but haven't gotten around to it," I say packing my stuff up.

"I guess I could." Stacy stutters.

I fold up my tailgate in my truck. "Think about it and let me know."

The bell rings and Stacy gives me a quick hug. "Thanks."

"You're coming to the game right?" Tyler asks walking out of our last class.

"Yes, I already told you I was," I say aggravated.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't change your mind," Tyler says slamming his locker shut.

Izzy runs up behind him and leaps onto his back.

"Shit Izzy," Tyler mumbles regaining his balance.

"Sorry to break up y'all's discussion, but we need to eat before the game, darling," Izzy says from Tyler's back.

"Right, sorry Kat see you later," Tyler says jogging down the hall.

I sigh and walk to my car.

It's supposed to get cold and rainy, so I wear thermal black yoga pants that flare at the bottom.

I chose a dark blue skin-tight sweater to wear under Derek's jersey. I couldn't bring myself to wear Wyatt's.

I leave my hair down and put on Crocs. The pants completely covered the Crocs from being so long, but I'm too lazy to wear taller shoes.

I grab Derek's jersey to put on in my car.

As Im throwing my stuff in my car I see Wyatt's jersey sitting in my seat.

Funny thing, I remember shoving it in my book bag Tuesday and I haven't taken it out since.

I start Rooster and pull out of my driveway.

When I turn up my radio the host is talking. I almost change it but something tells me to leave it.

Next up is Those Eyes by New West, requested by an anonymous person.

The song starts and I feel a rush of memories hit me. This is the song I slow danced with Wyatt to.

Goosebumps break out on my arms.

I listen to the words and feel my heart flutter.

Every word of the song felt like it was written for me and Wyatt.

The lyrics that hit me the most are.

When we're apart and I'm missing you. I close my eyes and all I see is you and all the small things you do.

That's what I've been doing all week.

Everything reminds me of Wyatt.

Hell, I compared an employee at the Icecream shop to Wyatt because he flirted with me.

The song ends and I realize something.

I love Wyatt.

But I don't just love Wyatt, I love everything about him; all the small things.

I love the way he smiles and the way he can always make me smile.

I love that he can keep up with my teasing and sarcasm.

The thing I love the most is the fact that somehow he broke down all my defenses and borrowed his way into my heart.

When I park my truck something comes over me and I put on Wyatt's jersey.

I realized I wasn't hurt that Wyatt lied to me. I mean yes I wish he would have told me.

But I used that as an excuse. I was scared of my feelings; I was scared of letting Wyatt into my life for real.

I ended it before Wyatt could explain himself.

When I get to the stands their completely packed.

I see Margret in the stands with a space beside her.

Hopefully, she won't see me.

"Katie, sit with me," Margret yells behind me.

Great, this won't be awkward at all.

She probably hated my guts, why the hell does she want me to sit with her?

Continues into the next chapter.

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