Chapter 55: A freaking freight train

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"Hey, Kid!" Derek yells as I walk towards them.

It took me a while to find their truck.

"Derek?" I ask confused, I thought it was going to be just me, Katie, and her dad.

Katie rolls her eyes. "We figured it wouldn't hurt to carry around an extra bag."

I laugh at Derek's scowl. "You did not just refer to me as luggage."

Katie shrugs her shoulders. "Dinners here!"
Mike yells.

Katie jumps down. "Good, I'm famished."

Katie and I sit on the tailgate of her truck, Mike sits on the trailer hitch and Derek sits on a cooler.

"How did the game go?" Katie asks unwrapping her sandwich.

"Good, we won it was twenty-four to twelve."

"Did Ty make any kicks?" Derek asks with a huge piece of lettuce hanging out of his mouth.

"Yeah, he made two," I say smiling.

"That's shocking," Katie grumbles.

Derek gives her an agitated look. "You know he's not here right."

Katie bites into her sandwich. "Duh."

Katie got a roast beef sandwich with mayo and I got chicken sliders. Mike got a fish sandwich and Derek got something with lettuce.

"Kate, you have mayonnaise on your nose," I say chuckling.

Katie blushes and wipes at her nose.

Goodness gracious she is cute.

"You know mayonnaise corrodes your arteries," Derek says with a cocky smile.

Katie flips him off and Mike sighs. "You would think they were raised by monkeys."

We finish eating and Katie grabs my hand. "You're coming with me to do night checks."

"Translation. Katie doesn't want to help set up the tent," Derek replies with a huff.

Katie smiles at him over her shoulder. "Exactly."

"How did it go getting everything in here?" I ask Katie while holding open a hay net for her to fill.

"It went perfectly, besides the fact that McKenzie is my neighbor."

McKenzie, that name sounds familiar.

Oh, I remember who she is.

"I thought she wasn't coming."

Katie takes the hay net from me to tie it up. "So did I."

As she hangs it I take a chance to look around the barn. It has at least twenty stalls in it and in the middle is an arena.

"Alright, let's see how far they've gotten with the tent," Katie says smiling.

She is so pretty when she smiles.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her against my side.

"Derek, I know what I'm talking about!" Mike snaps and Derek throws his hands up in frustration.

"How's it going?" Katie asks cautiously.

"Great. See Derek, it's all done," Mike says standing back to look at the tent.

"Whatever," Derek mumbles.

Mike smiles at me. "Let me show you where you're sleeping."

Mike opens the tack room door on the trailer and cuts on the light.

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