Chapter 37: Derek double-crossed me

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It's been a whole 24 hours since I've seen Katie.

We were both busy Saturday. Now it's Sunday and I'm staring at a text from her.

Kate: Come over

Me: Okay
Me: now?

I'm trying to figure out what she means.

I walk out the front door and see my mom laying in a lawn chair in shorts and a tank top.

"Ma, what are you doing?" I ask while squinting my eyes because of the sun.

"Getting what little sun we have left before the dreadful winter comes."

"Okay. I'm going to Katie's." I tell my mom.

She smiles. "Okay, have fun."

I pull into Katie's driveway and see there are five cars in her driveway.

I walk to the front door and I notice all the blinds are closed. I ring the doorbell.

Katie swings the door open and pulls me into a very dark house.

This is it. I'm going to die, I think.

She drags me down the hall and behind a couch in the living room.

"Kate, what the hell is going on?" I whisper yell.

Katie grins and shoves a Nerf gun into my hands.

"Shh, you're now part of a Nerf gunfight."


"What?" I ask confused.

Katie sighs. "You're my teammate now. Remember how I said my family still had Nerf gun fights?"


"Well, we're in the middle of one now, and you're my new teammate since Derek double-crossed me."

I just nod my head very slowly. "What are the rules?"

"Um? Don't get shot. If you do you're out. The last person or team left wins and gets free ice cream."

I grin. "Okay. Who's teamed up with who?"

"It started with me and Derek, Izzy and Ava, and Tyler with my dad. Now Ava is out and Derek double-crossed me and is with Izzy."

I bite my tongue to keep from laughing. It was cute how serious Katie is.

"So the goal is to not get shot and make it to the end of the game?"

Kate grins, "Yep!"

We stay huddled behind the couch for a while till I hear the floor squeak.

I tap Katie and point over the couch.

We sit up to look over the edge.

I see a figure hiding against the wall in the living room; waiting for someone to walk in.

"I think it's Tyler," I whisper Katie nods and sits up higher.

She aims her Nerf gun, shoots, and hits whoever it is four times.

"Shit!" A deep voice yells.

Katie stands up and I peek over the edge to see who it is.

"Gracie did you seriously just shoot your partner?"

Katie rolls her eyes. "Cut the crap, I know you doubled crossed me for Izzy.

Derek's face turns white and I stand up.

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