Chapter 59: Well, you fooled me

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I know y'all hate Wyatt right now but please read his POV. Hopefully, it will help make more sense.

After I drank the lemonade Stacy brought everything went fuzzy. I couldn't focus or see straight.

"Hey sweetie, everything okay?" Katie asks me with a concerned face.

I want to kiss her right here, but I can't.

And I don't remember why.

"You know your eyes are my favorite shade of green," I say, but it comes out slurred.

Katie giggles and pats my cheek. "Wyatt, are you okay?"

I blink fast to try to clear my vision, but it makes my stomach churn.

"Yeah, I think I need to go to the bathroom."

I stand up, wobbling slightly. "Do you need help?" Katie asks.

I did not want her to see what I'm most likely about to do. Or to be more specific, I didn't want her to see me projectile vomit.

"Nope, I got it." I flash her my smile to hopefully ease her worries.

How I got to the bathroom I have no idea, and thank god no one was in there.

I flip up the toilet seat and hurl everything I've eaten in the past four hours into the porcelain bowl.

I feel a hand pat my shoulder. "It's alright Wyatt," A high-pitched voice says.

I wipe my mouth while still sitting on the floor. "Who the hell are you?"

I'm scared if I turned around I might get sick again and miss the toilet.

"Katie, silly." The voice says.

Huh? I thought Katie's voice was deeper. It must be that stupid lemonade.

I have a feeling it wasn't just lemonade in the drink.

The word I'm looking for starts with a V. But again it's as if the word has slipped my vocabulary.

After a few minutes, I stand up and move to the sink. I wash my mouth and face.

Then gulp as much water as my stomach can hold. Probably not the greatest thing to do, but I need to sober up.

I open the bathroom door and Katie puts her arm on my shoulder.

"Wyatt wait," She says quietly.

Before I can protest she pushes me against the door and slams her lips against mine.

Unlike last night there are no fireworks or anything. I might as well have kissed a wall.

I move my hands to the back of her shirt and pull her away from me. "Kate, please I think-"

I stop talking when I noticed her eyes. They are blue, not a trace of green.

I take in her clothes and release it's not Katie.

"Wy, what's wrong?"

Katie has never once called me Wy in the whole four weeks of our pretend relationship.


I push Sophie away and she hits the other side of the doorframe.


"Leave me the hell alone!" I yell coldly over my shoulder.

I have to find Katie.

Weaving through crowds of people makes my anxiety grow.

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