Chapter 54: Polar bear pajama pants conversation

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It's finally Friday and the last day till the big endurance ride.

Yesterday was a long day. After everyone calmed down we all talked for a long time.

Long story short, I fell asleep snuggled beside Wyatt and this morning I woke up in my bed. How I got there, I have no idea.

Okay, so I have a small idea of how I got there.

I drive separately to school because I'm leaving at lunch. My dad is taking off work to drive me and the two horses to the showgrounds.

Wyatt has a game today so he's driving down after. The show isn't till tomorrow but the horses stay overnight.

I park my truck beside Wyatt's Jeep and hop out.

"Katie baby!" Wyatt exclaims as he wraps his arms around me.

"Hi, Just Wyatt," I say dryly.

"I'm sorry I can't come to your game," I say as I open my locker.

"I understand," Wyatt says smiling.

I shut my locker. "What has you so smiley?"

Wyatt shrugs. "It's probably because I get to spend the night with my super hot girlfriend."

I feel my face heat. The three of us (me, my dad, and, Wyatt) are staying at the showground with the horses.

My dad is bringing a tent for us and Wyatt's staying in an air mattress shoved in the top bunk of the horse trailer.

"I don't know why you're excited. You're staying in the trailer." I say with my head down hoping he can't see how embarrassed I am.

"Yeah, but, I still get to see you in your polar bear pajamas," Wyatt says smirking.

I roll my eyes as we walk toward Izzy's locker. "I have other pajamas you know."

Wyatt dramatically gasps. "You're not going to wear them?"

I shake my head giggling. "Did you really think I'm going to give you the satisfaction of seeing me in oversized polar bear pajamas?"

"Ugh gosh, please tell me you're not going to let people see you in those," Tyler complains from behind us.

I put my hands on my hips. "What is wrong with them?"

Izzy sighs from her locker and Tyler grins. "You've worn them so much the color has faded, there are holes all over them, and there are at least two sizes too big."

He's right, my dad bought them for me a few years ago and he got the wrong size. Luckily they have drawstrings so I can tighten them.

"Can we move on from the polar bear pajama pants conversation?" Izzy complains.

Wyatt smiles. "Yes, let's talk about how hot Tyler looks today."

We all laugh and Tyler sighs. "Finally someone notices."

At lunch, I tell my friends bye and drive home. When I walk in my door I see Derek in the kitchen with an overnight bag.

"Whoa, what's the bag for," I say loudly.

Derek smirks. "I'm coming along."

"No!" I yell.

My dad walks in with his bag. "What's the problem?"

"Derek is not coming!" I snap.

My dad laughs and takes a water bottle from the fridge. "It's fine Katie, plus it will be good to have an extra set of hands."

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