Chapter 17: The food or your family

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After dinner, I helped Katie do the dishes. Which didn't take that long.

Seeing how her family acted around each other made me a little sad. It made me realize how much I miss my dad. We used to have dinner together almost every night.

Being with Katie's family was fun. They were always joking and laughing with each other. Katie handled herself well being the only girl in the house.

Even though I was nervous to meet her dad, (especially when he kept asking questions),
I still had fun. I hope she has me over here more throughout the rest of the time we're 'dating'.

When we finish with the dishes I feel her grab my arm. I look down at her to see her eyes wide with excitement. "Come on let's watch the sunset."

"Okay," I say chuckling.

We go outside through the sliding door in their kitchen.

They have your average neighborhood backyard and a black fence that went all the way around the yard.

It looked very similar to mine. The only difference is another house is against my backyard and Katie's backyard faces a road.

We sit down on a swinging bench that hangs on their patio. They also had a small fire pit with three more lawn chairs around the fire pit and a grill.

"So Kate, what's so special about this sunset?" She tucks her hair behind her ear. I notice she has at least four piercings in her ear.

Huh, I never figured she would have that.

She looks over at me. "This is the best spot to watch the sunset.  Especially when there are no clouds, like tonight."

I nod my head slowly.

We sit there for a while in silence till Katie speaks up. "What did you think?"

I raise my eyebrows. "About the food or your family?"

"My family!" She says after she hits my arm.

Honestly, her pasta was better than my mom's.
"They're really nice."

She raises her eyebrows. "Really, Derek didn't scare you?"

I scoff. "No, It was nice being with your family."

Katie just stares at the sky and makes a noise that sounds like, "Hmmm."

"My mom is excited to meet you."

Katie's whole face lights up as she smiles.

"Really?" It's sweet how excited she was.

"Yes! She's really happy I'm dating." Katie's smile falls.

She shivers and grabs a blanket. I slide closer to her and pull some of the blankets over me. She narrows her eyes at me.

"What? I'm cold too!" I exclaim.

The sun is now almost completely set.
"How does your family know Tyler? Y'all seem close."

Katie looks over at me and sighs. "Were to start?"

We hear a lawn chair squeak. We both look to our right and see Tyler sitting down in a chair.

"Sorry to ruin the moment," Tyler says.

Katie leans back to rest her head on the back of the chair. "Your pretty good at that, Ty."

Tyler opens a can of soda completely immune to Katie's comments.

Tyler looks up at me. "Wyatt, you wanted to know how I got to know these lovely people." He gestures to Katie, who rolls her eyes.

Spending time with Katie and her friends I've learned that they are very sarcastic and love to tease each other.

I nod my head at Tyler. He takes a dramatic breath and starts talking in a deep voice that makes Katie silently laugh.

"It all started before any of us were born.
Our moms met in college and became 'besties'. My mom's words, not mine."

Me and Katie snicker. "Anyways, they stayed friends long after. When Derek and I were born, our moms were always together therefore we became close. For the first four years of my life, I thought Derek was my brother."

"Then our mothers got pregnant again, around the same time. They even shared the same baby shower. They were so happy that they were both going to have girls."

I notice his eyes harden. I interrupt Tyler, "Wait, you have a sister?"

Tyler looks at the ground. "I did, she died two weeks after she was born."

"Oh, I'm sorry Tyler." How could I be so dumb? I think to myself.

Tyler continues. "So Kat became like a little sister to me. After their mom died they stayed with us for a while till my parents started fighting all the time."

"The summer before ninth grade I moved in with them for the summer because my parents went to this counseling camp to try and 'save their marriage'."

Katie chimes in, "That's also when he started dating Izzy. She was over at our house all the time and he had a major crush on her."

Tyler starts laughing. "I remember, you were so mad. She wouldn't look at me for the first two weeks."

Katie turns to glare at Tyler. "Yeah, I was scared you were going to break up with her, and I was going to have to choose sides!"

I smile at Katie to keep from laughing and she hits my arm. "I know you think I'm being dramatic, but I knew how Tyler was with girls then."

Me and Tyler both laugh. Tyler finally catches his breath. "It all worked out for the best. My parents are divorced and my dad is in England so I never have to see him again."

"And Izzy has been dating me for three years and one month. I couldn't be any happier with my life." Tyler's eyes twinkle when he talks about Izzy.

Katie smiles. "And Izzy has had you wrapped around her finger ever since."

Tyler grins. "Yep, I couldn't imagine being with any other woman."

I leave Katie's not too long after Tyler finishes his 'life story'.

I thought about Katie and her family the whole ride home, I hope after this we can stay friends I enjoy being with her.


Now y'all have a little insight into Tyler's life.

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