Chapter 44: Ass of a naked angel

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After we get home I decide I want to visit Katie.

I look at the time and realized if I hurry I might make it to her lesson before its over.

When I get to the barn I walk to the big arena and see Izzy, Katie, and two other girls on horses.

It looks like they're jumping a course and it's Katie's turn.

Watching Katie ride is mesmerizing. I said it once and I'll say it again. She has a gift.

She makes it look so easy. With each jump, she points Ripley at he flys over. If I had to jump those jumps I would pee my pants.

They were almost as tall as me. (I'm around 6/2)

Izzy walks over. "She's good isn't she?"

I stare at Katie blissfully. "Yeah, she is."

"How did it go today?" Izzy asks tilting her head slightly.

I smile. "It went well."

Izzys glazes slides to Katie. She smirks. "Damn, Katie is the first person today to go clear."

"Alright Rip, we got this," I say under my breath for Ripley's ears only.

I'm coming to the last two jumps in the course. So far no one could get the distance right and would knock the first or second jump.

I turn the corner and pull on Ripley's mouth to shorten his stride.

He throws his head in agitation. I remember what Stef told me in my last lesson.

I release my reins slightly and Ripley takes three long strides and clears the first jump.

I gently pull on my reins to pull his head up and he clears the last jump by a mile.

Everyone claps and I slow Ripley to a walk then join Stef in the middle.

"That was perfect Katie! You took my advice and trusted him."

Stef pets his nose. "Something's different about you and I can't place a finger on it. Either way, keep this up because once you learn to trust Ripley y'all will be unstoppable."

Stef claps her hands. "I expect the rest of you to be able to clear that distance as Katie did by our next lesson. Good riding and I'll see y'all in two weeks."

Izzy rides beside me. "I think your change has to do with a certain quarterback with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes."

I teasingly roll my eyes.

Izzy points to her left and I see Wyatt leaning against the fence.

My stomach flutters at the sight of Wyatt being here.

"I'll be right back," I mumble to Izzy.

Izzy laughs and I ride Ripley over to Wyatt.

"Hey, I want to tell you something," Wyatt says smiling.

"Give me like four minutes because I have to cool Ripley down."

Wyatt smirks and climbs the fence. "I'll just walk with you."

I dramatically sigh and Wyatt walks beside me.

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