Chapter 50: June Jackson

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Welcome to the second book of the Only Human series! You may notice that the book starts at Chapter 50. I've done this for two reasons: 1.) It will alert new readers that this is a continuation of a different book, which if you would like to read follow the link below, or go to my Wattpad profile to find it.

and 2.) It helps me keep my writing straight.

Please enjoy the story, and thank you for sticking around this long!

            The week had been one that I greatly needed. No more frantically trying to escape, fearing for my life, or warding off the advances of horny vampires or werewolves. If it weren't for me actually having my time of the month, it would have been a dream. I spent my mornings listening to the Angel Heart's history lessons, and the afternoons reading with Cenderion and the saplings. My evenings were left for whatever I wanted to do with only the occasional interruption by Hendrix. He would briefly check-in on me or take a quick drink of blood. He never lingered longer than ten or so minutes before he left me to my devices.

I was able to choose my own wardrobe, act how I wanted, and be where I wanted. If only it could be like this all the time, then the idea of remaining here wouldn't be so distasteful. However, I occasionally felt the pang of guilt or grief when left on my own. I missed my family, and prayed they weren't suffering in my absence. This world of magic and new mysteries would be even more enticing if only I knew they were okay.

"... June!"

I jolted from the Angel Heart's words suddenly panging in my head. I looked to the white blossom facing me with its tendrils waving in front of my face. Ever since our daily discussions we had both gotten better at communicating.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I admitted blushing while I straightened my green skirt over my knees. I was in the middle of listening to the Angel's Heart, when my thoughts started to wander. If I wasn't focusing, then it was near impossible to hear the flower's words.

A tendril brushed at a stray hair and tucked it behind my ear. "I figured as much. What has got you so distracted? You normally are so attentive."

I looked down at my hands resting on my lap. "Well, my period ended last night. The peace and freedom I have enjoyed this past week will be over soon. I guess I'm lamenting what is bound to come next."

The flower nodded. "Understandable. I only wish I could do more to help you."

I shook my head and smiled at the patient flower. "You do more than enough. I don't think I'd still be here if it weren't for you. Your encouragement and sympathy have kept me going strong. It is I who should be thinking of ways to help you more."

The flower's laughter jingled in my head, as its tendrils brushed my arms. "I would also not be here if it was not for you. Do not worry over such small things. Your presence brings me more joy than I can articulate."

I smiled weakly and shrugged. "If you say so, but I still don't understand. Even with all the lessons you've given me on the history of this continent and of magic. I know that you are a being that exists between realms designed to act as a conduit for angelic power. You even told me about your counterparts the Demon's Teeth that act similarly but with demonic power. But why do angels and demons want to reach their powers into the After Realm? Isn't the Before Realm enough for them? And why can I understand you and grow Angel's Hearts? How do I fit into all of this?"

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