dream or reality?

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3rd person POV

Neo met back up with Trinity, Bugs, and the others soon after his talk with Robin. "So what'd she say?" Bugs asked. Neo shook his head. "She is going back to the matrix; she is already gone." Neo said, sadness in his voice. Trinity clasped a hand over her mouth and most of the group gasped. "Why would she even think of going back?" Bugs asked. "She said she only disobeys orders and makes people angry. She also thinks no one cares about her expect Trinity and I but only because she is our daughter." Neo said. "How could she think that we all don't care for her, whether she wants to admit it or not!" Trinity said. Bugs nodded. "We need to go after her, she can't have gotten far on foot, if she didn't steal a ship." Bugs said. Neo shook his head. "I watched her leave, she snuck out on foot, I think we should give her some space Bugs, it will take her awhile to get to the machine city if she avoids the sentinels. She did have two quivers and her bow as well." Neo said. Bugs shook her head and headed to the landing platform. "I don't care if she is safe or not, I am going to look for her, then I will get the general to let her back on the crew!" Bugs said as the others started to follow her. Neo and Trinity shared a look and followed them, despite what Neo had said, they didn't want her to go back into the Matrix.


I woke up in a bed. I had the strangest dream, I was this super cool action hero, like from the movies. I was in a simulated reality called... I can't remember but it started with an "M" I sat up and looked around, it took me a moment to remember I was in my apartment, in my bed. I looked at my watch, I was going to be late for work. I got up and noticed there were strange circular things all over me. I ran to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, they were all over my body, even down my spine. There was one on the back of my head too, underneath my hair. I had to ignore them as I went on with my morning. I showered, ate, got dressed, got my makeup done, and did my hair so it covered the thing on my head. I settled on skinny jeans, a purple tee shirt, black fingerless gloves, black boots, and my black leather jacket. I pulled my hair into a ponytail so it would hide the thing on the back of my head, kind of. I did my usual makeup and was out the door.

 I did my usual makeup and was out the door

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I rode my bike through the cold to my work. I couldn't get my mind to think about anything except that dream, why did it feel so real. I continued to work and tried to shake off the stupid dream. When I got there, I parked my bike and headed inside. I was the first one in today so I had to turn on the lights and heat, "Wonderful!" I said quietly to myself as I headed downstairs to turn on the heat. As I came back up, I saw a man knock on the glass door. "Sorry, sir but classes don't start for another hour." I said through the glass. I recognized him as the head of that big gamin company, what's its name... Deus Machina! I remember it's Portuguese for "god machine" I don't know why it was called that but it sounds cool to people who don't know Portuguese. "I am not here for a class Miss, may I come in?" The man asked. I hesitated for a moment but decided that if I had to, I could knock this guy out and call the cops, so I opened the door and let him in. "Can I help you, sir?" I asked once the door was closed. "Yeah, I am looking for Robin Hood, you know her?" He asked. I knew the fugitive who calls herself "Robin Hood" because she can shoot a bow better than anyone on earth but have never met her. "No, sir just because this is an archery school doesn't mean Robin Hood would come here to hide." I said. The man smirked a little. "Really, because I could've sworn you and Miss Hood were one and the same." The man said. I reached behind him and opened the door. "It's time for you to leave sir. I have to get set up for today's classes and I don't have time for creeps who come around and say I look like fugitives." I said. The man didn't say anything more and left. I watched him get in his car and drive away before getting back to work. 

3rd person POV

It has been two months of frantic searching for Robin and there has been no luck. She hasn't popped back up on the police radar at all and now even General Niobe is involved with the search. "What do we do now, Robin could be back in the Matrix and we wouldn't even know it. They went to extreme lengths to hide Neo and Trinity, where do you think they will hide her?" Bugs asked. She was responded to with silence, same as last time. "Wait, what if she was taken to the citadel where the machines held Trinity and I?" Neo suggested. Everyone looked at him with a newfound hope. They went back to IO to purpose their idea to the general. But when they did, the answer was the same as it was when Bugs asked the general to allow Robin to be on the crew. "No." General Niobe said. Everyone was astonished that after two months of searching she would say 'no' to rescuing Robin. "But we may have an actual lead to finding her, why would you say no?!" Bugs asked. General Niobe shook her head. "Your lead is an idea; you don't know for sure if she is there and if she is then how will you get her out?" the general asked. "We will get her out the same way we got Trinity out, we have done it before, we can do it again!" Bugs said. General Niobe sighed and nodded. "You will need Sati's help then." The general said. A little while later they were in the construct, meeting with Sati around her well. "General, good to see you all again." Sati said. "We need your help, Sati; we think Robin is in the citadel." Neo said. Sati nodded. "I have been looking for her too, she is being held in the citadel but it is like Trinity's situation when we freed her. The only difference is that Robin went in voluntarily and may want to stay." Sati said. 

A/N so who likes Robin's new look? Kinda different from the half shaved head, red and beige outfit with the bow, isn't it. I hope y'all are enjoying the story, and until next time... May the force be with you, always!

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