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"Nice to meet you General." I said as we shook hands. "Nice to meet you too, Robin. Captain Bugs tells me you are quite the archer in the Matrix." General Niobe said. I nodded. "Captain Bugs also tells me you have a hard time obeying orders, is that true?" General Niobe asked. "Yes, ma'am but in my defense, I had some questions for the Analyst." I said. General Niobe raised an eyebrow. "Questions that can endanger the rest of the crew, ship, and possibly this city." General Niobe said. I nodded. "I won't do it again General." I said. General Niobe nodded. "Good, I think you will serve the Mnemosyne well. Just one more question, how old are you?" General Niobe asked. "Seventeen, General." I said. I could see the surprise on her face. "You are dismissed, I need to speak to Neo for a moment." General Niobe said. I nodded, then left. I made it back to my room without getting lost and was able to shower and get some sleep before we had to leave. By this time I figured out the swing of things and was able to get ready and out of my room right as everyone else was. As I was about to enter the Mnemosyne with everyone else, Neo stopped me. "Sorry Robin, you aren't on the crew anymore, general's orders." Neo said. Bugs went up to neo with a look of shock on her face. "If the general has any problems with Robin being on the crew, she can take it up with me. As far as I know, Robin is still on the crew!" Bugs said. Neo shook his head. "General Niobe said that Robin cannot be on this crew, she can't be trusted." Neo said. I was shocked. "Just because I disobeyed orders once doesn't mean I will again! I have no intention of going back to the Analyst to chat." I said angrily. Neo shook his head again. "The general knows you are Trinity and I's daughter. She says you are too high profile in the Matrix and can endanger everything." Neo said. I nodded and stepped off the Mnemosyne in forfeiture. "Fine, I said I wouldn't disobey orders again and I don't want to anger the general." I said. I got shocked looks from everyone except Neo and Trinity, they just looked sad. They went further into the ship and out of sight, then the door started to close. I watched the ship fly away and I went back to my room.

Time skip 18 months...

Robin H.Where stories live. Discover now