I'm back

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I was going with Neo and Trinity. We are supposed to gather some info for the next strike, whatever that is, but I have my own agenda. When we were put in Neo and Trinity gave me a funny look. My residual self-image is what I usually wore before being freed. A red, short sleeve button down, beige pants with two large pockets on the legs, tall brown boots, a dark brown vest that looks like a corset, red fingerless gloves, my bow, and quiver full of arrows strapped onto my back, and my umber hair shaved on half of my head.

 A red, short sleeve button down, beige pants with two large pockets on the legs, tall brown boots, a dark brown vest that looks like a corset, red fingerless gloves, my bow, and quiver full of arrows strapped onto my back, and my umber hair shave...

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"What? It's not like you two are more incognito than me." I said. We went to the parking lot and got on our motorcycles. "I'm going to take a different route to get to the informants place, it will only take me a few minutes more to get there." I said before we left. "Okay, be careful though." Neo said, then we went in our separate directions. I made sure no one was following me, including Neo and trinity, I don't want them barging in on me. Once I was sure I wasn't being followed, I accelerated to the Analyst's apartment. I got there right as Neo and Trinity should arrive at the informants place. I went around the back and climbed up a gutter. When I reached the roof, I looked around and found the door leading to the building. Before entering, I checked the ground and sky to make sure Neo and Trinity hadn't caught on. I went into the building and found the Analyst's apartment. I picked the lock and found him in the room I was in last time. To no one's surprise, he was drinking tea with the same freaking tea set, for a program, he has got some issues. "Hello Robin, welcome back." Analyst said calmly. I walked up to him and punched him square in the jaw. He grabbed his jaw and rubbed it, I smirked. "Ow, what was that for?" He asked, sounding a little childish. "I have some questions, and you are going to answer them." I said, my face going stone cold. Analyst adjusted his position and smirked. "Go ahead." He said. He thinks he can get under my skin with my questions, but he doesn't know that if he doesn't answer one, or doesn't say what I want to hear, I punch or kick him. "Why did you kidnap me?" I asked. "You were of high value." He said. I roundhouse kicked him. "Clarify!" I said firmly. He griped his gut and coughed. "When you were plugged in you were the most valuable person in here." He said. "And a fugitive is more valuable than, I don't know, say the president of the United States." I said sarcastically. I heard a thump on the roof and realized Neo and trinity had caught on. "Not because you were a fugitive, because you are-" Analyst was saying, but Neo kicked the door in and he and Trinity came storming in. "Robin you weren't supposed to come here!" Trinity scolded. I didn't pay attention to her but grabbed Analyst's hand and did my favorite pressure point, he got onto his knees and his face twisted into a knot. "Finish the sentence!" I commanded. He nodded quickly then went on. "Because you're Neo and Trinity's child!" He half shouted half spoke. I let go of his hand and took a step back. "You're wrong, my 'parents' died before I could open my eyes!" I said angrily, then stormed out of the building. I sat on my motorcycle and waited for Neo and Trinity to come yell at me for going after Analyst for no reason and on my own. When they came out, they had a somber look on their faces. "I know, I wasn't supposed to go after him alone, I could've gotten killed, yada, yada, yada." I said. They looked at each other, then at me. "What?" I asked. "Robin, the Analyst was telling the truth. You are our daughter." Trinity said. I shook my head. "Even I know that is impossible. When someone is born inside the Matrix they have plugs, but when someone is born outside of the Matrix, they don't have plugs and can't even enter the Matrix. I have plugs and have been in the Matrix my whole freaking life." I said, thinking that Neo and Trinity would know this by now. "We don't even know how you have plugs Robin, we think the computers saw you as an experiment. You say your parents died before you could open your eyes and your Grandfather raised you. I remember having a child but she was taken away before she could open her eyes." Trinity said. I shook my head, thoroughly confused. "But I grew up in the Matrix, how could I be born in the real world then thrown straight into the Matrix?" I asked. "I don't know Robin, there are some things that we haven't figured out yet." Trinity said. I looked up at the sky to collect my thoughts. I took a deep breath then looked back to Neo and Trinity. "We should get going, it will be night soon." I said emotionlessly, then drove off towards the informants place. We got what we needed and left without bringing up the fact that I am the kid of the two most powerful people in the world. When we were unplugged, I went straight to my room.

 A/N Sorry for not updating for almost a month everyone! I have been caught up with lots of annoying stuff, and on top of it all, I am reading a book series that I barely have time for. I hope I can update for you all more often.

Robin H.Where stories live. Discover now