disposing of evidence

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"I just got what we needed. Kareem found the potentials by getting calls from a man named Smith. He told him where to find them and who to sell them to. How should we handle Kareem and his buddies now, they are a bunch of crybabies." I said. Neo and Trinity shared a knowing look then turned back to me. "We need to check with something, you do what you want with Kareem and his men, just don't kill them!" Neo said, then he and Trinity left. I rolled my eyes and went back into the room. "So, Kareem. I have some good and bad news for you. The good news is you don't have to help me anymore. The bad news is Neo and Trinity aren't here to help me dispose of you and your thugs." I said. I could see Kareem start crying again. I rolled my eyes. "For a big bad crime lord, you crumble down to a scared little kid really quickly." I said. I started getting them to their feet and walking them to the basement. I locked them in the basement, got changed into different clothes and put on a realistic wig. I then called 911, pretending to be an innocent bystander. They got there and I stood on the front lawn, pretending to bite my nails. "Ma'am, can you please take us to the men?" The officer asked. I nodded and led him to the basement. "I heard screaming and came inside to see." I said. The officer nodded but when he got a better look at Kareem, his eyes went wide and turned to me in surprise. "Do you not know who this is Miss?" He asked. I shook my head, while Kareem was trying to yell through his gag, probably trying to say that I do know him and that I was the one who did that to them. "This is Kareem Salvadori, the 'Silver Dollar'. Ma'am, he is one of the biggest crime lords in the state, we have been hunting him for years! You are in for a big thanks Miss..." The officer said, realizing he didn't get my name. "Laux, Bella Laux." I said, losing the fake fear for a second. "Well, Miss. Laux, you have just done the police a big favor!" The officer said, tipping his hat as he went back to his car. I smirked at Kareem before following the officer out. After a few more hours with the police I was able to leave and met back up with Neo and Trinity. "How'd it go?" I asked. "It was just as we thought, Smith is back." Neo said. I was confused, I heard some people talk about "Neo vs. Smith" in IO but never knew who "Smith" really is. I think Neo and Trinity picked up on that and explained who Smith is. "Okay, how are we going to get to Smith then?" I asked. "Hey guys, you need to leave, there is someone here to see you." Seek said. We left the Matrix to see another ship. "Who are they?" I asked. A man's voice came over he speakers. "General Niobe orders you to return to IO with Robin." The voice said. I frowned but stayed silent. We followed them back to IO without question. When we left the ship there was a whole crowd of people there, to escort us to General Niobe's office. We lined up when we got there and when I saw the general, she was not happy. "Of all the orders you have disobeyed, this must top them all!" She said. I was confused, what order did we disobey? "With all do respect General, Robin was how we succeeded with our mission, without her we would've come back to beg for her again." Bugs said. What did she mean "again" she told me the general permitted my rejoining the Mnemosyne. 

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