can I go yet?

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It has been a year and a half now, and I am still not allowed back on the Mnemosyne crew. I have put in a request ten times now and every time they come back denied. I still see Sequoia, Berg, Lexy, Ellster, Bugs, Hanno, Neo, and Trinity. I rarely see Morpheus, he spends most of his time out of the matrix, on the ship. I have gotten over the whole "Neo and Trinity are your parents" but don't really act like they are my parents, just two people I know. One good thing that came out of being dumped in IO is that I get to shoot again. I am actually one of the few people who can shoot a bow in the real world. It is weird though, I was crazy good at archery in the matrix, but when I picked up a bow for the first time in the real world, I could barely get the arrow to hit the target. I teach other people how to shoot bows now and that takes up most of my time, the free time I have, I spend making arrows or training. IO is so big, it has a gym, and not a lot of people use it too, I can go in and beat up a punching bag for three hours and there would probably be two to three people there. My hair also grew back and I have it the way I want it, left half of my head shaved and right half goes down to my shoulder. I was finishing up with an archery class when Bugs came in. When I saw her, I gave her a 'five minutes' look and finished class. "Didn't expect you to be back for a bit, Bugs." I said emotionlessly. "We figured you would've gotten accepted to the crew by now." Bugs said. I sighed. "I submitted my request a few days ago, I was told that I would get it back tomorrow. That means there is still some time to influence the decision." I said. Bugs didn't roll her eyes like she usually does when I bring it up and I suspected something was wrong. "What is it?" I asked. "There is this big crime lord we have been trying to take down and can't seem to get through the front door. Since you have five outstanding warrants, I thought you may be able to assist on this one." Bugs said. I was surprised she even considered my help, but I don't think it will be so easy to convince the general, I have tried four times and she hasn't changed her mind at all! "I could've sworn I had six warrants." I said in response. Bugs smirked and went off to sweet talk General Niobe, I had to clean up the broken arrows and get everything in order for tomorrow. Once all that was done, I went to my room. My bow was hanging on the wall to greet me. I dropped the four quivers worth of broken arrows onto my desk and got to work. After three hours I had gotten them done and went to bed. I woke up to banging on my door. I checked the time, six thirty-four who would be up at this time, that is a bad question, most people are up by now. I got up and answered the door, it was Bugs. "Yes?" I asked groggily. "You are back on the crew, Robin!" Bugs said enthusiastically. "Yay, can I wake up before we go?" I asked sarcastically. Bugs chuckled then nodded. "Sure, see you later, Robin." Bugs said then turned to go. "Oh, Neo and Trinity have been looking for you, you should probably go say 'hi'." Bugs said, then left. I rolled my eyes and got ready for the day. After breakfast I went back to my room to get the arrows for class today. When I got there, Trinity was in my room, looking at the arrows. "Can I help you, Trinity?" I asked. Trinity looked at me and smiled. "Yes, you can Robin. I assume you know the mission we need your help with, taking down this big crime lord. We can't get in to take him down and maybe you could help me to act the way you do when you go into one of those places." Trinity said. I can't believe she wants my help on how to sneak into this place, I thought she would just shoot her way in. "Sure, I have worked in 'one of those places' before and know how it works. Don't worry, I wasn't doing anything gross, I was just getting a hitlist from the guy. I need to know how many of us are going in and would have to get this set up beforehand." I said. Trinity nodded and smiled. "Thanks Robin, once we leave, you'll be filled in." Trinity said, then left. After a few hours we got on the ship and left IO. "Okay Robin, it's all up to you now." Bugs said. 

A/N Hey everyone! Sorry it has taken a while to update the book, been busy and couldn't get the computer to work right. But after many "headslaps" to the back of the computer, I got it to work again, yay. I am hoping I can update this book a bit more now, and until then... May the force be with you!

Robin H.Where stories live. Discover now