Chapter 34

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Mason's POV

When Timmy and I wake up the next morning, we decide to make some breakfast for everyone.

We let Carter sleep for a bit longer, since he didn't have a lot of sleep recently, because of the attack that he was leading.

When we finish the toasts, we wake everyone up, and soon the whole table is occupied with our family members.

"We have to get a bigger table." Carter says, and I nod in agreement.

"Goddess have mercy." Timmy says under his breath, and we laugh at him.

We eat quickly, and when we're done, Carter forces the older kids to watch the younger kids again, and they aren't very happy about it, but they agree anyway.

Then we go straight to the pack house, and into the hospital.

Carter knocks on Doctor Zack's office, and when it opens, the Doctor looks at us for a second, and he just tells us to come with him, already knowing what we want.

He doesn't even bother to tell Timmy to lay down, since he goes straight towards the bed, already knowing what to do.

Doctor Zack makes him ready for the examination, and then he looks at the ultrasound screen, letting us hear the heart beating of the child.

He looks at the kid for a little while longer, making sure that he knows the gender.

Carter told me that when Doctor Zack checked Denver gender, he said that it was a girl, so they expected a girl, and then a boy was born, so they both had a little surprise.

Oliver, Tyler, and I used to tease Denver about it a lot, it is one of the things that anger him the most, especially since Carter said that he would have come back for his birth, no matter what, if he knew that Denver was a boy.

And if he didn't miss his birth, then Denver most likely would have been the future Alpha.

I don't even know why we are checking a gender of our kid, since there is almost no chance for it to be a girl.

"It's a boy." The Doctor says, nodding to himself.

"I expected that." Carter says, laughing slightly.

Timmy cleans himself, and when he's done, Doctor Zack gives him the ultrasound pictures, which he gladly takes.

He looks at them for a moment, before he gives them to me and Carter, so we can see them too.

I take Timmy's hand and we go back to our house, and when we walk inside, Reggie comes to us asking to see the pictures.

He's the youngest, and he definitely can't wait to have some younger siblings, so they can take all of the attention that he gets as the youngest child.

"It's a boy." I tell him, after I pick him up, and then I look at the ultrasound picture that he's showing me.

"Great." He says excitedly, before telling me to put him down, so he can tell everyone.

I laugh at him, shaking my head, and I go to sit in the backyard, when I see that Denver is out there.

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