Chapter 21

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Mason's POV

"Do you want to go on a walk?" Timmy asks me, when he enters the living room unnoticed, scaring me a little bit.

"Don't sneak up on me." I tell him, before I remember his question.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" I ask him.

"Just around the woods, I don't think there's anywhere else we can go." He says shrugging.

"Alright." I say, and I stand up from the couch, so I can go upstairs to change my clothes, and I meet him downstairs not long later.

"Ready?" I ask, when I see him standing in front of the front door, he nods in agreement, so we leave the house together.

We walk in silence, side by side, for few minutes, taking in all the nature that surrounds us.

"I want to take you out, into the city, without Carter, he annoys me lately." I inform.

"That's not very possible, but it would have been nice. Maybe we can go with Carter when you guys are fine again?" He asks hopefully.

"Maybe." I confirm.

"You shouldn't be angry at him because of the laws, you know that he wants everyone to be safe." He says, hoping to convince me that the the laws don't bother him.

"I don't think they are fair, especially to Omegas, don't you feel left out like Oliver does?" I ask, looking at him.

"Sometime, but I got used to it, of course I would like to go beyond the border, but I know that I would be dead not even an hour later, so I don't even try." He says.

"Look, Mason. Do you really think Carter would enforce something that he doesn't believe is necessary?" He asks me.

I consider the answer for a while, before I respond.

"No, but I still don't like it." I say honestly.

"We can't have everything. You should just let it be as it is, at least it's safe, and Oliver will learn to live with it as I did." He says.

"Alright." I agree, deciding that arguing with Carter won't help with anything, he's too stubborn.

"So, will you forgive Carter for keeping the laws? Can we get back to normal?" He asks hopefully.

"Our lives are not even close to normal, at least recently, but yes, I will forgive him." I inform.

"Thank you." He hugs me tightly, and I hug him back, I didn't realise how much it affected Timmy, until now.

We hug for a while, until I catch a smell that I recognise, but this time it has a very strong effect on me.

"Timmy." I say, making him look at me questioningly. "We have to go back." I say.

"Why." He asks curiously, I can see that he's a little scared, not knowing why I suddenly want to go back.

I reach my hand, and I put it on his ass, massaging it gently, I saw Carter do it when he smelled that Timmy's heat is beginning, so I decided to do this too.

He looks at me for a second, before the realisation hits him.

"Oh..." He says.

"Yeah." I respond, trying to control my urges, but I'm loosing the control very quickly.

"I don't think I can control myself for much longer." I tell him.

"Then don't try." He says, so I attack his lips immediately.

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