Chapter 28

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Mason's POV

"Okay, that would explain why we found Mason in the woods." Timmy says.

"How about we let Erick shower, and then we will give him some food?" I ask.

"We will do that, but firstly I want to know why we were attacked." Carter demands, while looking at Erick.

"There is no real reason, they attack whoever is on their way, then they go in a random direction, and they attack another random pack, and there is a lot more of them, so you might expect another attack soon." He says.

"Alright let's get you something to eat then." Carter says, before he stands up, and he unlocks the cuffs that are on Erick's wrists.

"The guards will be watching you until we can be sure that we can trust you." Carter informs him, and Erick nods in acknowledgement.

"Can you also let my friend out of the cellars? He's name is John, and the same thing happened to him. He's a good guy." Erick asks hopefully.

"If you behave, then I will let him out soon." Carter says, and Erick accepts that.

We go to the packs dining room, and Carter tells the all the guards to keep an eye on Erick, and he also tells two guards to watch him constantly, then he goes to get some food for Erick.

We talk some more, while he eats, and then the guards take him to his new room, so he can shower, while we go back to our house, to make sure that the kids are alright.

"Who did you meet?" Denver asks, as soon as I enter the house, I wonder if he was waiting next to the front door, with this question, all this time that I was gone.

"My brother." I say.

"Your brother?" He repeats.

"Yeah." I confirm, and I tell him everything that I got to know today.

He listens to every word I says, and he leads me to the living room, forcing me to sit on the couch, so he can ask all the questions that he has.

When he's finally out of questions, Tyler and Oliver come into the living room, and they ask me the same question, making me groan.

I quickly repeat what I said to Denver, and I answer about five of their questions, before I get bored of it, and I ignore the rest.

A few minutes later, the rest of the family comes here, and we decide to watch a movie again, since it's not every day situation that we can all sit together without arguing.

Reggie comes to sit on my lap, and I happily hug him, making him smile.

"I will have more siblings tata." Reggie informs me.

"Yeah, I know." I say, before I remember what tata mean, it means father in a few of the countries in Europe, I have heard it once before.

"How do you know that word?" I ask him.

"I can't remember but it means dad, so I will call you that. Can I?" He asks, with puppy eyes.

I look at Carter and Timmy to see if they're alright with it, and they nod, so I decide that I can deal with being Reggie's father, he's still a little kid, so he doesn't really understand what's going on, and he will most likely grow out of calling me his father, when he gets older.

"Sure." I say, and he smiles at me happily.

Believe It Or NotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora