Breathtaking - Kipps x reader

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Part 2

"What do you want, Kipps?" I asked, coming face to face with the red head.

"I wanted to ask you a question," His goofy grin appeared. "Want a coffee?" He asked, motioning to the cafe.

"I have to be back to get ready for the-"

"The Fittes Ball. I know."

I looked at him, eyebrows raised, "I've a feeling that I'll need to sit down for this, yeah?"

Kipps opened the cafe door for me and we walked in, getting a small booth in the corner. I plopped my bags down next to me and ordered a coffee.

It was a few minutes before he said anything.

"So," Kipps began with a stutter. "I know this is sudden and you probably hate me but would you consider going to the ball with me? I have liked you for a while now. I think we'd make a great pairing."

I wasn't shocked but I wasn't expecting it either really. A waitress came and delivered my coffee. I thanked her and took a sip, thinking about this.

Kipps was obviously very kind and nice when he wasn't being a stuck up prick when it came to missions. He also had his looks and he did help me once a while back.

He smiled, obviously a bit nervous since his fingers wouldn't stop tapping his rapier at his side.

"You know, I would say yes,'' I began, "But Lockwood needs me for research so I wouldn't want to ruin your night by leaving early."

Kipps gave an amused grin, "What? He doesn't put you out on the field anymore?" He joked.

"I'm not all that useful anymore," I sighed. "Not like you seem to care."

Kipps' face seemed to change and he placed a few quid on the table.

"Come on. We'll talk on your way home," He said. I took my coffee to go and Kipps grabbed my bags before I could argue.

We walked out into the brisk air. Only twenty minutes had passed but it had gotten colder out.

"You're losing your talent?" He asked finally.

I felt my chest pang. It never was a good feeling to realize you're losing the only thing you've ever known.

"Yes," My answer came out breathily.

"But you're only nineteen. Surely you still have at least a year left before it even begins to fade."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not like you Kipps. Twenty one with the best talent in Fittes," I rolled my eyes.

Kipps stopped suddenly and I looked at him.

"My talent's been fading for a while now too," He looked quite solemn all of a sudden. "Please don't tell anyone though."

"I won't. I know how it feels. It sucks, doesn't it?" I looked him in the eyes.

We were the same height, maybe I was a bit taller because of my shoes. And I wanted nothing more than to go to the Ball with him. But Lockwood would be absolutely enraged.

Kipps? You're going with bloody Kipps? Don't you know what he's done?, Lockwood would say.

Oh come off it Tony. It's just for tonight, I would reply with such a love struck grin.

"I'll go to the ball with you. But don't expect this to become a regular thing Quill," I gave in with a smile tugging at my lips.

"Oh, y/n, you know you've been wanting this," He grinned at me. We stood at the corner of the street. I didn't want to go in yet.

"Make sure to wear a black tux, it'll make me stand out," I smiled at him.

"Anything for you," He laughed. "Shall I pick you up then?" He asked.

I glanced at 35 Portland Row, then back at Kipps. "Sure. Don't be late.

"Until then," Kipps gave a small bow and handed me my bags.

"Bye Kippy," I smiled, walking across the street. I had just walked up the steps when the door flew open and I was pulled inside.

The door shut behind me and Lucy looked at me crazily. "What were you doing talking to bloody Kipps?"

I was still smiling, which I think made Lucy even more curious.

Lockwood appeared from the top of the stairs, probably interested in the commotion.

"Where've you been?" He asked me.

"Oh, just out," I sipped my coffee and started upstairs to my room.

"Be careful, y/n. If Kipps hurts you, you already know what we'll do," Lockwood said as I passed him going up the stairs.

"I know Anthony. Thank you very much. Now go get dressed. We have a mission to do," I said, humming a tune as I entered my room.

I got dressed and my nerves were so giddy. Technically, I had never been asked out or hung out with someone like this before. I considered this a date, a proper date for two adults that have only ever worked and been to funerals.

I looked outside my window at the setting sun. It wasn't dangerous outside yet. Lockwood would probably want to leave in another few minutes or so.

I went down to the kitchen to throw away my now empty coffee cup. I wasn't surprised to hear voices but I was surprised to see George and Pamela Joplin cozied up with take out, working on the case he promised he would save for me.

My heart deflated a bit but I said hello and threw out my trash.

"Aren't you getting dressed Georgie?" I asked him. "I expect Lockwood to have us leaving soon."

"What? Oh, well, hang on y/n," He said.

As if on cue, Lockwood and Lucy walked into the kitchen.

"George, we're leaving," Lockwood began. Then he looked from me, to Joplin, to George and then at Lucy's exasperated face. "Why aren't you ready?"

George looked back at me and then to Joplin. "Go on without me. We'll be here another hour or so."

A taxi horn honked from outside. I smiled. "That'll be Kipps. See you later Georgie."

"You remember the plan?" Lucy asked me as I opened the door.

"Yes, of course. I'll meet you by the west wing near the elevator," I reminded her.

"George gave us a map. Don't be late," Lockwood told me.

"Stay sharp Locky," I smiled, walking down the stairs to Kipps and the waiting taxi.

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