Pretty - Lockwood x reader

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I walked down the stairs to the library on Saturday morning. We had no jobs today and everyone slept in. I wanted to read a bit and catch up on some reading.

I eased open the door, hoping it wouldn't squeak. I slid in through the crack and closed it again.

"Morning," A voice said from behind me.

I turned around so fast that my neck popped only to see my employer. "Jesus, Lockwood," I groaned. "Nearly gave me a heart attack."

"You don't have to be so stealthy. George can sleep through anything and Lucy's in the attic," Lockwood smirked. He had the newspaper open, probably reading more gossip.

"Well, I didn't want to wake you," I felt embarrassed as I sat down opposite him on the large couch. The book I was reading last night was still there on the end table.

"Sleep well?" Lockwood asked.

"Same as every night. Lucy wakes up from a nightmare. I go to sleep on the floor. But this time Lucy rolled off the bed and fell on me so I thought I would get up early," I responded.

Lockwood just nodded.

I sat down at the couch and went back to reading where I left off.

I liked this. Lockwood and I. The silence between us was comforting and I quite enjoyed it when Lockwood and I had time like this.

I had first joined Lockwood and Co. after I was finally fired from Fittes. George had told me his new boss was a hundred times better than that prick from my old team.

It had been nearly a year now and I had fallen slightly in love with Anthony Lockwood.

He had memorized the type of teas I liked and also knew when I needed a donut, especially after a hard case.

I just didn't want to get fired by risking it and telling him how I feel.

I let out a small yawn as I turned the page. Lucy absolutely ruined this wonderful dream I was having when she fell on me.

I yawned again, this time louder.

Lockwood looked over at me with a smile, "Being pretty must be so tiring."

I responded, without thinking, not looking up from my book, "Then you must be absolutely exhausted."

I immediately quieted down, realizing what I had said. Lockwood's face had turned a cute shade of pink. He stuttered a bit and couldn't stop staring at me.

"Sorry," I looked away, back at my book.

I'd probably just ruined any opportunity at becoming a better agent and learning more about the problem with George.

I got up to go to the kitchen, not wanting to exert any more awkwardness. The door was literally three feet away and yet Lockwood jumped up before me, blocking my only escape.

"Y/n, wait," Lockwood said.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay. I get if you don't want me in the agency but it was a joke so I'm sorry," My face was hot with embarrassment.

"Can I kiss you?" Lockwood asked suddenly.

"What? You're not mad?"

"Y/n, from the moment I hired you, I've liked you. But I don't want feelings to get in the way of work. And I never wanted to scare you away. So please, please tell me you feel the same."

I was speechless. Maybe I was still dreaming but it all felt so real.

But I knew at that moment that this wasn't a dream. This was better than a dream and Anthony bloody Lockwood liked me back.

So I kissed him. I think it caught him off guard but after a few seconds he pulled away with the largest smile I've ever seen.

"You know I'd never fire you. You're more than an employee to me, y/n. You're.... You're you, and I don't want you to change that," Lockwood smiled.

"I didn't lie though. You are exhaustingly gorgeous," I told Lockwood.

"And you are my darling Y/n," He pulled me into a hug.

I melted in his embrace, taking in the sweet smell of his cologne and running my fingers through his soft hair.

I looked into his deep brown eyes with small flecks of gold staring back at me.

I leaned in to kiss him again. It was wonderful and the sunlight on my back made me shiver.

"Oh finally," George's voice from the doorway spooked me.

"Good going, Y/n," Lucy grinned from ear to ear as I buried my head into Lockwood's chest in embarrassment.

"Okay, sod off. Donuts are already in the kitchen," Lockwood smiled at them while still holding me in his arms.

George and Lucy walked down to the kitchen but I could still hear their jeering.

"Come on beautiful," Lockwood grinned at me. He offered his hand to me and together we walked to the kitchen.

"I really like you Anthony," I said, just outside the kitchen door.

"I really like you too darling," He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. "Now come on, don't want George and Lucy hoarding them all like last time."

I smiled up at him as he opened the door, knowing this would be our new forever.

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