Be tired with me - Lockwood x OC

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(FINAL PART / PT 4) really short but full of fluff

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We arrived at 35 Portland Row in the afternoon and the first thing I did was hobble to the bathroom. I took a nice shower in the small bathroom in mine and Lucy's room. 

It was a bit awkward because I had to be careful to not get soap in the wound. When I finished, I had to change the bandages. The old ones were blood soaked and had some dirt on them. 

 I sat on the bed in the room and cleaned the ghastly looking wound. It was hurting a bit more since I didn't have any of that strong ointment that DEPRAC uses. I finished up and then went down the stairs to the kitchen.

I wasn't hungry but I knew that's where everyone else would be, especially George and Lucy, who seemed to indulge in toast and jam more than I liked Earl Grey tea.

Lockwood was standing in the kitchen with wet hair and a white pajama shirt on. He also had on grey loungers and black slippers. George was at the table, looking at the papers and sipping some tea. 

"Can you sign it? Is that allowed?" Lucy was looking at Lockwood with more emotion than George's egg cup. 

"By the look on Barnes' face, even he doesn't know the rules," Lockwood grinned.

I looked over Lucy's shoulder to see a DEPRAC certificate in her hands. "You finally got your Fourth Grade?" I smiled. "Congrats Luce."

"You can file it in the basement. You deserve it," Lockwood encouraged. "Just don't mess up George's neat and organized papers. He'll have an outright fit."

"I'm right here, Lockwood. Honestly," George mumbled before biting into a slice of toast.

Lucy smiled at all of us and then went down the spiral staircase.

I yawned. "I'm going to go to sleep, okay? I'll make us all dinner at two in the morning like usual."

"George already ordered donuts," Lockwood smiled down at me. He was a few inches taller but that didn't stop my wits.

"Did he order my special cream and sprinkles?" I asked.

"You know, I think you're the only person in all of London to specifically ask for sprinkles on a traditional cream filled donut," He grinned.

"Hey, I just want to be original."

"Well, you're already original. You're Charlie Wheeler."

"I'm taking you up on your offer. I hope you have enough blankets on your bed," I smirked.

"Oh, I have plenty," He replied. "Enough to make a small blanket fort."

"Please, just snog already," George said with a mouthful of toast. "Do Lucy and I a favor and put us out of our misery. We all know you fancy each other."

I glared at George but Lockwood only turned beet red and I swear I could hear his heartbeat speed up.

There was a crash from the basement. Glass shattering, something was knocked over.


"Luce, you okay?"

I looked at George and Lockwood, then at the basement stairs.

"I'm sure it's nothing, go on to my room Char, I'll be right there."

I just nodded and went up to his room. It was warm in here and he wasn't kidding. He had at least three quilts on top of his main bedspread.

I curled into the blankets and relished in the fact that it just smelled like Lockwood.

It was nearly the evening but I was so tired. I ignored the pain on my side and turned to face a different way, hoping the pain would subside. I didn't know that rapier handles could be so sharp.

Ten minutes later, Lockwood finally came into his room. He looked tired but still had some energy in him.

"Sorry. Lucy, she passed out, George thinks it's from stress or something. We had to carry her to her room," Lockwood said, sliding off his rich person slippers to reveal lime green socks.

He closed the curtains and lay down next to me.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him since he was shuffling quite a lot.

"Well, we got a call from a client. Wraith hunting. Should be easy, I'll leave you and Luce here and take George. Give you time for your wounds to heal," Lockwood said.

"Please, please, please listen to Georgie. Do some research early tomorrow. Don't, and I mean don't, go in to a dangerous situation ever again," I told him.

"I'll try my best," He sighed.

"No, you will do your best and maybe I'll take you out for coffee if you live."

"Fine Charlie. But only because you're absolutely adorable when you're tired."

"No, you are Tony. With your cute eyebags and your sweet smelling perfume."

"Okay, okay. I think you need some sleep now."

"Be tired with me, Anthony," I said, moving my head next to his. I yawned and pulled a blanket over his chest

"Finally, you can get some well deserved rest. And I can get to spend some time with you," Lockwood whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Good night Ant," I mumbled, feeling the sleep pull me into a trance.

"Good night Char."

A/N: No, you'll never find out who James is or what happened to Charlie's mother or step father. No more Charlie and Kipps banter. (unless you ask for it, then I'm fully prepared :)

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