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It was coming seven o'clock and i was still laying my my head on his shoulder. I'd put a jumper on and plasters over my mark. James looked down at me and whispered in my ear. "We should start getting ready if you still want to go." "Okay." was all I could say right now. I got up and grabbed a pair of trousers and went to the bathroom to get changed. When I went back into the room, James had put on a pear of blue jeans and his usual Gryffindor jumper. "You ready to go Reg?" I nodded at him and he smiled. First I went downstairs, then James went and knocked on Sirius and Remus room. "Im going out, don't be too stupid." "See you later Prongs." Remus yells from the room. He walks downstairs and yell to his mum, "We're going out with some friends, see you later." "Bye honey." He comes out and I was waiting for me outside the door. "Jamie, look." I pointed at the half eaten bowl of sweets by his neighbours window. While we were waiting she took an acid pop out of the bowl. It only took a few seconds and then she screamed. She must've thought that she'd had food poisoning from the others, and thought that the acid pops would help, but boy was she wrong. I couldn't help but snicker when she screamed. "Wow, little star, I didn't realise how cruel you can be." "She was rude to your mum, she deserves it." I started walking over to the bus stop.

When we got on the bus, Pandora and Evan were already waiting there. "Regulus, why'd you invite this tramp." "Barty," Dora slapped him on the arm. "Play nice, hes clearly friends with Reg, now do you want to go or not." Dora was wearing her usual pink and blue glasses, but her hair was tied up in a high ponytail (Think Arianna Grande) and she wasn't wearing something as colourful as usual. We went and sat on the two chairs in front of them and I was shocked at what Pandora was wearing "Pans, I get your Slytherin, but there's no need to dress like us. Your style is amazing." "I thought I'd try something different for a change." "Only for Xenophilius Lovegood." "Shut up Barty." "Dora, Xenophilius Lovegood, Xenophilius 'just a friend' Lovegood." "Shut up Regulus. Besides, you're making your little friend uncomfortable." "I have a name you know." "I know, I'd just rather not use it." "Now, Reg, Czy to prawda?" "jest tym, co prawdziwe?" "Barty powiedziała mi, że masz coś do Potter." "Może" "Jezu, Gryffindor, naprawdę?" "Shut up Ms 'I love Xeno'." "Yeah but Xeno is nice and hes just," he side eyed him. "him." "Well, Im not interfering with you and Xeno, so leave me alone." "Suka" (Polish) "Idiote" (French) It then became our stop and we got off and saw Barty waiting for us with Narcissa. James came closer to me. "So, who were you and Dora talking about?" "Barty told them also." "Of course he did. And so Pandora doesn't like me?" "No, she does it to everyone." "If you say so."

I cant be bothered to do this part, so they come back. They're both completely wasted. It's like 1 in the morning

"Be quiet, we don't want to disturb your mum." "Mum probably isn't at home, just Moony and Pads right now." "If you say so." We open the door and go upstairs. Remus and Sirius are awake in their room. I go in and sit down besides Sirius. "Why are you lot back so late?" "Hi~ Sirius." "Why are you slurring your words? Wait, Who the fuck got my little brother drunk?" "Nobody," he lay his head off of the bed. And wheezed. "I did it to myself." "And who was with you?" "Well, Bella was there." "Who else Reg?" "Cissa, uhm," he began laughing. "She made out with this muggle boy while we were there. A-And |Evan and Barty had to pull him off of her. She was so drunk she hexed the guy and now he-he has a horn for a tongue. And we0020xall got arrested." "and you all escaped?" "Uhuh." Sirius rolled his eyes and looked down at his younger brother who was about to fall off of the bed. "Whats on your arm Reg?" "What do you mean?" "All down your arm." "There's nothing there Sirius. You must be going crazy." "Reg, I-" Regulus fell off of the bed and started laughing again. "REG." someone was yelling from outside the window. "T-They took Cissa and Evan. They're in jail overnight." "Dora~ they can handle themselves." "Me and Barty are going to breaking them out. There's a meeting in about an hour." "Im coming with you~." He began to giggle after that and looked at Sirius. "Bye-Bye big brother." "No Reg don't you fucking da-" It was too late, Regulus had jumped out of the window and they'd all run off. "Sirius," "Yeah Moony?" "Did they forget that she can just apperate out of the jail sell." "Oh."

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