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The next day

Regulus pov

I woke up next to Narcissa. She was eating a chocolate bar on the bed, getting crumbs everywhere. "Cissa, your dropping it everywhere." "I don't give a fuck." "Good point. Muggle chocolate bars are way better then ours." "But that shit is sexist." "How?" "There's one that says, 'not for girls' they literally made a chocolate only for boys." "That's fucked up." "will you lot shut up about chocolate." "Fuck off Rosier. Its important." "Well then, be quiet." "Evan, shush, you woke me up with your loud whining about them. I can you louder then them. I'm not going to school today, I need my beauty sleep." "Your all loud so shut up." "Okay Mr snores-a-lot." "Cissa not now." "Okay but you do snore the loudest out of all of us." "I have to agree with her." "That's it, I'm renting an apartment. I am leaving you lot." "That's actually a good idea." "Talk about the good idea somewhere else, me and Evan are trying to sleep." Um, Barts, Evan left. When you woke up." "This bitch." Barty got up and went over to Evan. Kreacher walked in. Does Mistress Narcissa or Master Regulus want breakfast. Kreacher made some for Dear Mistress but she left before she ate the food Kreacher made." "Aw, I'm sorry Kreacher. We'll come down and get some. I promise." Kreacher actually started smiling after that. He gave Cissa a half hug and scurried off downstairs. "CROUCH ROSIER, GO DOWNSTAIRS WE'RE GETTING BREAKFAST." "You are so loud." "Shush. And take a moment to realise that Kreacher hugged me." "Oh my Merlin, he did." "He's so cute. He's like a little pet." "SHIT. I LEFT MY CAT." I frantically got up and fixed my hair. "What cat." "Andie got me a cat." "Aw cute, wait, YOU LEFT IT WITH THOSE GRYFFINDOR SHITS." "YUP." "We need to go get it." " I'll apparate to Hogwarts, you stay here with the others."

I apparate to Gryffindor towers and push past everyone else. To get to Remus." "Thank Merlin your awake." "Yeah, you cat needs food." "I know, I'm going to Hogsmeade later today." "Have you thought of a name yet." "I was either thinking of Avalanche, Moon, or Ash." "I'd say Avalanche." "So would I. " "You best go, Sirius woke up and hes bound to come back in with James." "Although James and Peter didn't, I think He saw your face." "Tell him I have a scar across my stomach. And it hurts like a bitch." "When are you planning on coming back?" "I don't know yet. I want to wait it out, give Sirius time to cool down so if he did realise I can have a rational conversation." "Smart." "I best get going then." "See you later." "OH MY MERLIN REGULUS GUESS WHAT." I look at Remus and he looks at me, shocked. "THERE WAS A DEATH EATER ATTACK CAUSE WE GOT THEIR MATE." "Yeah." "AND I HIT ONE OF THEM." "Wow, good for you." "NO NOT GOOD." "Why?" "IT'S A FRIEND OF CISSA. SHES GONNA KILL ME." "Poor you Sirius." "OH but I do hope I hurt him like a bitch." "Oh I think you did." "Good, whoever chooses to be a death eater deserves what ever is coming to them." "Well, i gotta go." "Hey, why are you leaving." "Oh, um," I look at Remus. "Can I trust him?" "Eh, idk I'll hold him back." "Okay. Sirius I have some big news, so I need you to sit down." "Okay?" he goes over and sits down on his bed." "Sirius," "Yeah?" "Someone used  Sectumsempra on me." "Like I did to that death eater." "And I fell to my knees and I couldn't breathe." "Like the death eater?" "And Narcissa came back for me." "Like the death ea- REGULUS WHAT?" "Uhuh, Remember back when I was taken back home." "Yea-OH MY MERLIN." "Mhmh." "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME." "Cause I thought you'd lash out at me." "Wait, so the Evan we took, WAS YOU AND CROUCH'S BEST MATE." "Yup." "Come back to school." "NO." "YES." "NO." "OR I'LL STEAL YOUR ASTRONOMY BOOK." "YOU WOULDN'T DARE." "OH I WOULD REGULUS SO YOU FOUR BETTER COME TO SCHOOL OR I'LL RIP IT TO SHREDS." "UGH YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH WHEN YOU'RE HIGH." "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU GET IT FROM." "Wait, he's high?" "You cant tell, just look at his eyes, they're redder than usuuall, and he looks tired and is slurring his words, exact sighns of it." "James did it too, not just me Now scram, or i'll rip it to shreds." "UGH." I apparate back to the others." "FUCKING SIRIUS." "What did he do now?" "He said we need to come back to school or he'll rip up my book." "The one that Andie got you." "Yeah." "Aw darn you Sirius." "You know what, im dying my hair." "Where did that come from." "He hates it when I do anything to my hair, so I can dye it to Piss him off." "Smart, lets all do it. I've always wanted to make my hair two toned." " Me and Evan are in." "But Bar-" "No, you don't get a say in this, you'll look good with black highlights. And we can match." "Ugh fine," "Yes. Lets go now." 2NO, YOU EAT SOME OF THE FOOD THAT KREACHER SO KINDLY MADE." "Oh yes, I apologise Kreacher, im very excited to try it." "Its okay master Regulus, I hope you like the food Kreacher made." "I'm sure I will, it looks amazing." Kreacher smiled at me and then finally noticed Avalanche. "Cat." "Oh yeah, this is Avalanche. Would you like to hold him" "Kreacher like, Kreacher like." "Okay Kreacher, just promise me that you won't eat him." "Yes Master Regulus." I give Kreacher the cat and he very gently strokes it and Avalanche starts purring. "That is the cutest shit I've ever seen." Kreacher sat down on the floor and let avalanche sit on his lap." "I love that." "So do I." "Kreacher do you want to come to Hogsmeade with us. We can bring Avalanche." "Kreacher does want to come, if Master Regulus is okay." "Of course but you need to stay with us, even if you see something you like." "Okay Master Regulus." We all go and get ready and leave Kreacher with Avalanche. After about ten minutes we all go down stairs and get ready to go. I put Avalanche in a little bag  and leave his tiny head out so he can see. Kreacher then grabs my hand and we all go. When we went to Hogsmeade, The others went to a hair salon while I went with Kreacher to get some things to decorate my dorm with and other things that Avalanche will need. I also got some things for Kreacher so that he wasn't bored when we went back to school. "Kreacher needs pictures so Kreacher can remember today, because today is fun day for Kreacher, today is happy day for Kreacher." "Okay Kreacher, I'll buy a camera." I grab a Camera and buy some chocolates and sweets for us. I then give Kreacher a lollipop and go get my hair done aswell. I give my hair a white undertone and a fey silver strands at the front. After we are done it is about lunch so we take Kreacher home and go back to Hogwarts.

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