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We arrive at the Black Family Manor and Kreacher takes my suitcase. I walk into the dining room to see my parents eating breakfast. "Regulus, you're here." "There is somebody we would like you to meet." "Dear Merlin Regulus, you couldn't have worn something more formal, It'll have to do." I just stand there, not knowing what to do. "What are you waiting for Regulus, sit down." I go and sit down on the opposite side of my mother, I sit and wait for a few minutes. After that I see Bellatrix walk in and sit on one side of me. Narcissa then came in and sat on the other side of me. A plate at an unused seat, formerly Sirius' seat. Narcissa grabs my hand as her mother, Druella black, and father, Cygnus black, walk in. I notice a red patch on Cissa's arm arm where the mark is, and sit either side of my father. Then another person walks in and sits down next to my mother. Everyone looks down at the sight of him. So I do the same. He sits down and the we all look up. My heart sank. "Hello, Regulus." They all look at me." I have no choice but to reply. "Hello, My Lord."

I wake up in my room. Narcissa sitting on the end of my bed. "Cissa," "Regulus, you're awake." As I began to sit up, she hugged me.  "I'm so sorry you had to do that." "Don't worry, I knew it was coming." "Tomorrow we will need to attend two more of these. You're expected to come. Its for Barte-" "Bartemius Crouch Jr, and Evan Rosier." "Friends of yours?" "Yes, my closest friends." "I'm sorry." "Its alright, they know aswell." "How is," she pauses and whispers in my ear. "How is Sirius doing." "He's alright. He misses you a lot through." "I miss him too. We are to go back to school in a month. We have a month to prove our devotion. And then we return to Hogwarts. That includes your friends and Bella." "A month." "OH, have you heard from Andromeda since she left?" "Yes, she came to Hogwarts a few days ago. She misses you." "I miss her too." Just as she says that Bellatrix walks in. "Hi Regie." I don't reply. "Hey, im not all crazy, its all for show." I look at Narcissa." "Its true Reg, she needs to do this to be accepted." "Thank Merlin." "So," Bellatrix jumps on the bed next to me. "How are you? It doesn't hurt to much does it." "What do you mean ' not hurt too much' it hurts like a bitch, you guys didn't feel it?" "No, we made a potion, we found out what Madam Pomfrey uses and made our own." "Smart." "We know. Now, get some sleep, we have to be up in five hours to go to that Crouch boy's mark. "Bellatrix, Narcissa, get down here and leave the boy to sleep. We have a task for you." I look at them, "What are they going to make you do?" "We wont die, but we may need your help when we come back." I look at them, they both smile back and get up to go down. I lay back down and started thinking about tomorrow. I fell asleep.


"Reg," "Reg, get up." I open my eyes to Bellatrix shaking me to get up. "Finally, get ready, we leave in 10 minutes." I get ready then come downstairs to everyone downstairs. "Finally, quickly, we are not to keep the dark lord waiting." "Yes Pere." I rush down the stairs and get in the car beside Bellatrix. I cant help but think about Barty and Evan. Kreacher began to drive. I slip two viles next into Bella's hand. She looks at me. "I woke up in the middle of the night. Give it to Cissa aswell." She gives it to Cissa, the bruises on her face and the scars on her arms clear, the same for Bellatrix. "You guys aren't the only Blacks who are good at potions." The car stops. "Quickly, into the house." First its Bellatrix, then Narcissa sits down beside her sister. I sit opposite them, in between Evan and Barty. "You lot are idiots." I whisper "You're not going through this alone." Barty replies. Before I know is, The Dark Lord walks in and sits opposite Evan. "Hello, boys." The Dark lord extends his hand for Evan to place his wrist on it, he does and all I could do was look away. I hear Evan scream, Barty clenches my hand, tighter and tighter. Until, silence. "Your turn." The same thing happens with Barty. "Regulus, Narcissa. Take them upstairs, will you. Second room on the left." We carry them up, Barty still grasping my hand. We put them on the bed and sit down on the floor. We're not allowed downstairs anyway. "You okay?" "Yeah, its just crazy that we have to go through this." "I know, they'll get through it though. But what about you. I know when your upset." "I'm fine. Its just hard, y'know." "I know. I'm here for you if you need me." "Cissa," Bella ran upstairs. "Us three need to go out again tonight." "That reminds me, Reg. There's something you need to know." "Yeah?" "Dumbledore made a group of witches and wizards in Hogwarts who try and find us. They attack Malfoy Manner tonight. We need to be there to help Lucius, Meliora, Urbana, Quintessa (I SEARCHED IT UP, LUCIUS HAS THREE YOUNGER SISTERS.) fend them off. We need to leave at 10pm." "Shit." "Why are you lot so loud." We all turn around to see Evan sitting up. "I know Sirius is loud but you lot are terrible, gosh." I leap onto the bed and give him a hug. "What were you lot talking about?" "Don't worry Ev, just get some rest, and make sure Barty is okay."


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