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Regulus pov

"So, Reg, can you explain everything to me without the pauses and pacing around the room."  "Barty, you don't understand." He sat up and I sat next to him. "Okay, sum it up for me." "Barty," I lean into his ear to whisper." "I have a crush on James Potter." Barty looks at me in disbelief. "J-James Potter, straight boy with a crush on Lily James Potter." I nod my head. "Mr popular Gryffindor hero James Potter." "Bloody hell Barty, YES, now what do I do." "Well, just try it out, see how he is when hes around you. Try and see if there's any possible chance that hes not fully straight. And when your confident enough, confess, even if he doesn't feel the same, it'll feel better admitting it to him, and in away, you're admitting it to yourself. " "Okay, but right now, focus on dinner." "Lets go, are you sitting with the Gryffindors again?" "Yeah." "So is Narcissa. You can stay near her while you figure things out." "Okay, that sounds good enough."

Time skip: DINNER

I'm sitting next to Narcissa and James, still wondering about what to do. James is telling everyone a story about some girl who gets eaten by a wolf or something, im not really paying much attention to it, merely thinking about how im going to handle tomorrow, let alone staying with the potters over Christmas break. I feel Avalanche scratching the inside of my bag, that I made into a little bed for him, and he begins to meow. I start scratching his head and he starts purring, just loud enough for James to notice. Thankfully, everyone is immersed in their own conversations now, so nobodies paying much attention. He looks at me, smiling. "Hes such a little Rascal, isn't he?" "He sure is." That's all I managed to say. Avalanche leaps out of my bag and crawls onto James' lap. "Guess he needs to stretch his legs." "I guess he does, im going to take him over to the care for magical creatures area so he can run around with the Nifflers, surprisingly they love him. I caught them sleeping next to each other once, when he ran away from me. "Can I come with you?" "Sure, I don't think anybody will notice anyways." "Then lets go." I scooped up Avalanche and we left.

After about half an hour of playing with Avalanche and talking with James, I heard some, what almost sounded like snorting, brush past me. While I was talking, one of the Nifflers came running up to Avalanche and just flopped next to him, I think Avalanche was tired so he snuggled up next to him and fell asleep. "Now that's cute." James chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. As he started talking again, I found myself staring at his lips, I don't know why, but I found comfort in being around James, there was something about him that just made me feel safe. "We should probably start heading back right about now, it is getting quite late." "Yeah, thank Merlin we have no classes tomorrow." "Yeah, I cant wait to just sleep for however long I'd like." "Exactly." "Well," James says as he stands up. "I'll see you later then." I stand up aswell, placing Avalanche back in the bag, trying not to wake him up. "See you soon, I'll hopefully be awake by lunch." "Okay, see you then." "See you tomorrow Jamsie." "See you tomorrow Baby Black."

i pre-wrote all the last four chapters and i am exausted, but i am too sick to go to school so, yay more writing.


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