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I was just sitting on my bed, I couldn't sleep, not until I knew he was safe. It was now 3:45. He'd been gone for about ten hours now. I wasn't tired, somehow. I was restless, knowing he could be in pain. I had grabbed a box of bandages and plasters from the kitchen. I also had some other things, things my mum used to disinfect wounds that I got as a child. They were all besides me on the bed. I was looking down when I heard footsteps besides me. "Hey Jamie, can I get some help?" He was standing besides me, with blood dripping down the side of his face, and many opened wounds all over him. "Reg," he sat besides me and I grabbed some anti bacterial wipes and cleaned the blood off of his arms first. He flinched a few times, I felt tears forming. How could someone do this to their son? How could anybody be so cruel to do this to somebody barely sixteen. After his arm was clean enough, I put bandages and plasters over the wounds. "Any better?" he just slowly nodded his head. His face had loads of scratches all over it, and a big mark down the side of his face was bleeding, the mark went down to his neck. "Hold still for a sec, yeah?" He did, I first wiped the trail of blood around it, then, trying my best not to hurt him, cleaned the wound and got most of the dried blood to clear away. "I don't think I can plaster this Reg." He just looked at me "I think it needs stitching. Is that alright?" He just shrugged his shoulders. I grabbed a stitch and began to do it, it took about a minute to do. After I did, I put a few plasters over it, so if it fell out the plasters would hold it together. "Feel better?" He didn't reply, but he did rest his head on my shoulder. I could tell how tired he was. "Im going to move up over here a bit, and we can go to bed now Okay?" Still no response. He just lay down after I moved up. He was clinging to my hand. I took my glasses off and just before I fell asleep he spoke. "Thank you James." "Don't worry Reg, I just care that you're safe." I smiled and kissed his forehead. And we both soon fell asleep.


I woke up to Regulus still clinging to me. He didn't realise that I was awake. "Hey little star." He looked at me confused. "What, you don't like it? I think its cute." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. "Its, fine, I guess." "Look whose up and talking again." "Oh shut up." He looked around the room. I had moved some stuff around last night. "Its, changed." "I'm just thought it looked better like this." "It looks nice." "Thanks Reg." "Petit Cerf." He mumbled. "What does that mean?" "Little deer. You give off the energy, and I love deer so I think it fits." I couldn't help but smile at that. "is Sirius an animagus?" "What?" "Is he I know that Remus is a werewolf, but I just started to wonder." "Don't tell him I told you, but yeah, and so am i." His face lit up. "What are you?" "Funny you ask, you say I give off the energy of a," "Deer." "Exactly." "No way, this is unreal." "Im not joking." "I cant believe it. That's so cool." "I can show you later if you'd like." "Please, I'd love to see." Remus called us from downstairs and we both got up went downstairs. Sirius was sitting down next to Effie and Remus was In the kitchen. I walked in first. "Hey prongs, you look happy, get a good sleep?" "Good enough." I walked into the kitchen and Regulus walked in wearing a jumper covering up his wounds. "Hey stupide." "Oh shush Sirius." "Whats up with your face?" "OH just, um, spell backfired." I looked at him and he looked back at me, as if pleading that I don't say anything. I just sighed. "And it caused that much blood? Its literally seeping through the plasters." "Yeah, really bad, um, spell." "If you say so." He walked into the kitchen where I was making myself a coffee. "I thought you hated coffee." "I need it after how late it was when you got back." "So, Regulus, what spell backfired." "What?" "The spell," Remus looked at him. "The pne that backfired while you were out." Regulus looked at me. "You got yourself in this mess, Moony knows everything." "Of course he does." "That does include the things that happened." "Things that happened?" Regulus took a sip of the coffee he had brewed. "One word," He looked at me suspiciously. "Fireworks." He practically choked on his coffee. "WhAt?" his voice cracked when he said that. "Like James said, I, know, everything." Regulus looked at me, clearly annoyed. "Bâtard." He mumbled under his breath. "Sorry, what was that Reg?" he just rolled his eyes and went and sat down next to Sirius.


"I hope you know your friends arebâtards." "Hey, that's rude, bad Regie." "Im not a dog." "I know, butyour my younger brother. I do whatever the fuck I want to you." "Sirius, don'tbully your brother." "Sorry Effie." "Oh deer James, look at the time." "OhRemus, were ever did you put the map." "Im not sure, but im sure somebodywill rat me out later." "Most likely, Wormy, hes always been a rat.""Don't be such a dog Sirius." The animal puns again, I mean, I get 'deer'as James' an animagus, and like okay 'were' cause Remus is a werewolf, but Ratand Dog? They make no sense. And its quite rude to call somebody a rat, andwhat kind of nickname is 'Wormtail' its just cruel to call your best friendthat name. I stand up and go in the kitchen, Sirius follows me. "Okay, im notstupid, whats on your arm." "What?" "You're clearly covering it up for a reason.What did they do to you at the meeting." I took off my jumper, showing multiplescars, cuts and bruises. "This what you wanted to see?" Sirius immediately changedhis expression. "Why would they go so far on you, I get me, but you've been theirfavourite since the beginning." "Somebody told them im staying here, they said Ifim staying here I needed some discipline so that I don't go soft." "Oh Reg, imso sorry. Wait, who bandaged you up? I know very well you cant do anything thisgood." "James helped me out with it. H|e stayed up all night waiting for me,and he helped me when I got back." Sirius was very confused. "Prongs, helpedyou?" "Uhuh." "Regulus, you have to do this to me." "What do you mean?" "Now you'rein debt." "He did something for you, now you do something for him." That bitch."You're on your own little brother." "Wow, thanks a lot Sirius." "Your welcomeReg." He walked back it the room and I went upstairs. 

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