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I wake up to Barty tumbling on to me. "WHAT THE FUCK BARTY." "Oops sorry Reg." "What were you even doing? Wait, WERE YOU SKANKS MAKING OUT AT," I look at the clack. "8:30AM?" Barty gives me a sheepish smile. "Merlin Barts." "OI, REG?" "What Evan?" "Quidditch trials are today, do you think anyone will be any good to add to the team?" "I'm captain, Evan, now that *INSERT RANDOM NAME* transferred ill take anyone, we're going up against Gryffindor in two weeks. I'm basically begging at this point." "Dumbledore's such a prick," Barty yelled out of frustration. "What'd he do?" "He's trying to postpone the match to after Christmas." "WHAT THE FUCK?" "YEAH, AND GET THIS,IN THE DAILY PROPHET HE SAID 'I hope that the Match will either be postponed or we will have to end up swapping out Slytherin for Hufflepuff as Slytherin team captain, Regulus Black, Is incapable of keeping his team members to stay on the team.'" "WHAT DID THAT BASTARD SAY ABOUT ME? *insert name* TRANSFERED BECAUSE OF DUMBLEDORE. HE CANT SAY SHIT ABOUT ME. FUCK, MY PARENTS ARE GONNA FIND OUT ABOUT THIS" "HES SO FUCKING ANNOYING." "I'm not gonna deal with this today, I'm going to go talk to Sirius. See you lot later." "Bye Reg." I walk out of the room to people yelling about how fucked up it all is, at least they support me and not Dumbledore, nobody is going to try-out though.

I find Sirius and one of his friends talking in their dorm, the tall friend who Sirius is always drooling about, I slump onto the bed besides Sirius and lean my head on his shoulder. "Hey your Regulus, right?" his friend asks looking at me and smiling. "Yeah, I am." "I'm Remus, Remus Lupin." "Nice to meet you." "So, Petit frère, now you obviously wouldn't be here under normal circumstances, what's bothering you?" "You haven't read the prophet?" I say looking up at him. "I got laughed at while walking past other Gryffindors while walking in here." "No I haven't why, what's in it?" "Take a look at it yourself." I say handing him a copy of it that someone threw at me walking in here. Sirius reads it aloud as him and Remus look furious. "Dumbledore said this?" "Mhm," I reply closing my eyes. "Its official, my life's gone to shit, officially. Oh." I blurt out "And best part, try-outs are today, nobody is gonna try out while that's still talked about. We're toast." "Not everyone." "What, who?" "There's still one kid who hates dumbledor and is one of the best quidditch players I've come across, they just transferred here as well." (THIS NAME IS FAKE I CAME UP WITH FROM THE TOP OFF MY HEAD) "Oh yeah, Dorcas was talking about how much of a competitive person she is." Remus butted in. "Her name, I think its Gracie Flint. She's a pureblood too." "I guess its all I got. Thanks for your help." "Okay now that is over, are you gonna get off me now?" "Nah, I think I'll just stay here. I still have another three hours before I have to get ready." "This is gonna be a long three hours." "I guess so, grand frère."


So, as expected, you're the only person to come and try-out. What's your name kid?" "Gracie Flint." "The troublemaker who got transferred for blowing up the herboligy classroom." "Oh, so I'm famous here? Good to know." "Lets hope that your quidditch skills are as great as they say. We have training Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:10-2:50, you get the rest of the day off as you'll be pushed until you can hardly move. After quidditch you are to go to the common room, your dorm or the library, as expected, the toilets are allowed but if you are caught in there for more then 20 minutes it is an immediate detention. Understood?" "Yes capitaine suceur de cul" " Vous êtes intelligent, I'll give you that." She looks at me wide eyed and turns red. "Just don't get caught doing this sort of stuff." "Okay." "Now if you have any questions, not just for quidditch, you can ask me." "Okay I will." "A plus tard gamin." "Au revoir les idiots." She begins to walk away as I see James walking over to me. "What's up Baby Black?" He yells with a grin. "That's not my name." I reply sternly "How is it being completely humiliated by your own headmaster?" "Just leave me alone James." "Wait your actually upset about it? I thought you'd be all depressed about it, like it doesn't matter to you." "No it does matter, it matters a lot. Everybody is talking about me as I walk in the corridors, I cant say one word without people throwing things at me or calling me names, not to mention my parents, I cant imagine what they're gonna do to me. I have just been humiliated on one of the most famous news platforms in the wizarding world. I-I-I feel like my whole life is just falling apart and we're not even a week into the new year. I just feel like I'm going insane right now, I-" I start to hear a ringing sound and suddenly I cant breath. I take one more sharp breath. I manage to blurt out one more thing "James." I fall down, before I hit the ground I black out. I hear one thing before I completely go, "REGULUS?"

I wake up to James on the chair beside me, sleeping. And Sirius lying on the bed next to me, squeezing my hand. I try to sit up but as I do Sirius squeezes my hand tighter and whispers softly, "Sleep, its too late now." I fall asleep until about 7:30. Sirius refuses to let go of me. I try and grab a glass of water that's on the table beside me but end up nocking it over and it shatters, waking James up. Somehow Sirius stays asleep. "Hey, you okay?" James whispers to me, in a softer tone then I'd ever heard. I look at him blankly. "You kinda scared everyone." "Yeah, I am now. Thanks to you." "No problem Baby Black." "I told you, that's not my name." "Well its either that or Regie, and I prefer Baby Black. I mean, you're younger then Sirius, and the name just kinda suits you." "There's no point in arguing with you." "So you're saying I can keep the nickname, sweet." "What? No. You know that's not what I meant." "But its what you said." "There's no proof." "Sirius is living proof." "He's asleep." " Actually, I'm awake. Your wrong again Petit frère." "Dammit Sirius. Couldn't have helped me out here." "Nope, and I'm going to hold this to you till the day you die." "So I can call him that for as long as I want? Thanks Pads." "No problem Prongsie." Madam Pomfrey walks in holding a tray of cups with disgusting green and brown liquid in it. "Okay, that's the sign for us to leave, isn't it James." "I think it is Sirius. See ya later Baby Black." "Bye connard." "Au revoir petit frère." Sirius says to me with a small smile "Au revoir grand frère." As the walk out of the room Madam Pomfrey tells me what order I should drink the cups in. "You should wait about 5 minutes after drinking it all and then head to lunch, is that all right deary?" "Yes, thank you Madam Pomfrey." She gives me a sweet smile and then walks off. I begin to try and choke down the drinks in the order I was told too, wow they're disgusting but, they work so I cant really complain. I wait about five minutes and then get up and walk over to the great hall.

"OH MY MERLIN REG ISNT DEAD." Dorcas yells from the Gryffindor table. I walk over and sit in between James and Sirius. "Okay, Reg, babes, what happened to you." "Why, what did you think happened?" "Don't worry about it." "Dorcas?" I give her a stern look and she sighs. "Ugh, fine, Barty had some theories. Things like you we-" "Okay, I think I've heard enough." "Aww no fair, I wanna hear." "Trust me James, you don't." "Why hello Gryffindor losers, may I steal my best friend for a moment." "Barts what do you want." "Just come." I mouth to Lily to help but she just chuckles at me. Barty practically dragged me away from them. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING AT" "Barty keep it down." "NO REGULUS. DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT DAY IT WAS YESTERDAY. YOU RUINED THE TRADITION." "Shit, Barts I'm sorry. I was-" "NO, I CANT EVEN LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW." "We go to sit down at the Slytherin table. "Barty, I think everyone here heard you. Slughorn looked worried." "He can look worried, you broke tradition. Where even were you." "So you don't believe your own theories." "Oh you have no idea what I came up with." "Well, I fainted after the quidditch try-outs while I was talking to James and just woke up in the hospital wing." "Shit, I was way off track." "Guess what he thought." "Evan don't." "He thought th-" "I actually don't want to hear, thanks." "Suit yourself, Your lucky Barts." "I think I'm going to go back now and continue my conversation with my brother now." "Be careful, if you hang out with the Gryffindors to much then you might turn into one." Me and Barty look at him, confused. "Ev, answer this. If you go into a garage every day for a few hours, will you turn into a car?" "Uhm, I think, no?" "The fact that you had to think about that is genuinely worrying. I'm going to go." "Bye, Bye." I wave back in confusion, he actually needed to think about it before he answered me. I sit down and sigh. "Well that sure was loud, huh Reg." "Yup. He has no shame." "Clearly." 

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