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The next day

Regulus pov

Its 5:46pm I've never woken up this late, even Barty is awake before me. I get up with a thumping headache and jump in the shower, to wake myself up properly. I get dressed properly and leave to go find Sirius. I have no idea where he could be but I still try places. He ended up being in the great hall with Remus and Peter. He saw me coming over and smirked. "Reg, what do you think, does the nickname 'Remu' suit Moony?" "S'il vous plaît, ne me faites pas ça maintenant. Je viens de me réveiller et j'ai un battement de tête, donnez-moi quelques minutes pour me réveiller s'il vous plaît Sirius." "No, even im fully awake, get over yourself and stop speaking French, you may be tired, but you haven't completely forgotten English." "Bâtard" "Yeah, you little prick." "It's okay, I guess, ask me later im too tired right now." "Hah, you've been overruled Moony, or should I say, Remu." Remus let out a low growl, but Sirius was so happy to care. Just then James walked up. "Whats wrong with Moony?" "Hes upset cause he cant stop Sirius from using his new nickname." Those three then immersed themselves in their own little conversation. And Sirius began to whisper to me. "Ne pouvez-vous pas parler français autour d'eux, c'est impoli, leurs amis." "Je suis désolé que les maraudeurs n'aient pas d'intimité, mais je ne fais pas partie de votre petit groupe de merde, donc je n'ai pas besoin de suivre les règles." "Ne commence pas cela avec moi Regulus ou j'irai à fond maman bitchy sur toi," I roll my eyes and go back to listening to what the others are talking about "Dinner should be starting in a few minutes, they do it earlier today cause of the fireworks and the parties." "Lovely, lets sit down." "Why are you so tired?" "They called me at 10pm and in got back at five." "Poor you, should've come with me when you had the chance." "Don't start this up again, they would've killed you if I'd left. You know what they can do." "Still, im not powerless." "Just stop, please. Not now." "Okay."

James POV

I'm sitting down in between Regulus and Peter, with Lily and Mary opposite me. Lily and Mary are talking about plans for Christmas and Regulus is sleeping on Sirius shoulder. He looks cute. Peter is playing with wizard chess with Pandora, and surprisingly Dora is winning." I feel something brush my hand. I don't think much of it and continue watching the wizard chess. I ended up feeling it again, and again util it scratched me to the point Im bleeding. I looked down and Avalanche was on the bench beside me. "Wow, your such a mischievous cat, aren't you?" I picked up the cat and put it on my lap, Regulus wouldn't mind, would he? Nah.  There was a mouse on s string toy, on the floor under the table. I picked it up and started dangling it above the tiny cat's head. It reached for it multiple times and when it finally caught the toy, it ended up yanking it out of my hand and cradled it while chewing on the string. I noticed Regulus looking at me and when he realised I saw he looked away. For some reason I chuckled, and he looked back at me. Avalanche leaped onto Regulus, causing him to jump. "Why is he getting bigger? Hes meant to be small." Regulus looked at me and smiled, cute. Dumbledore made a speech that all of the Slytherins paid no attention to and mocked, and then we left. Regulus got up and walked off, and so did I. We walked to the Astronomy tower and sat down together. We talked for a while until we heard a few bangs. We both stood up and looked at the fireworks. They were in our house colours, red and gold for Gryffindor, yellow and black for Hufflepuff, navy blue and bronze for Ravenclaw, and green and silver for Slytherin. Each display showed three times and lasted ten minutes. "They're so pretty aren't they." I look at him, no longer paying attention to the fireworks. "Yeah, they are." I feel something touch my hand, I look down and see a hand reaching for mine, our fingers interlock and I smile, now looking up at him, He looks at me shares the smile. The fireworks stop, getting ready for the next round, if I counted right the last round, and there's nothing left to do but look at each other. I think about what Remus said, 'you'll feel better admitting it, even if he doesn't feel the same, you'll still be relived.' After about twenty seconds I take a deep breath and gather the courage to say.

"Regulus," he looks up at me. "I know this is sudden and its probably just the heat of the moment but I like you, and I think you like me to so what im trying to say is c-" I feel my neck being grasped and his lips on top of mine. Merlin, it felt like I was on fire. I could feel every movement of his lips. The way his hand made its way up to my hair. The sorrow I felt when he stopped for air, before I smiled and closed the gap I felt my hand slip into the small of his back to push our hips closer together. He made a quiet sound on the verge of a moan when I did that. I gripped the back of his neck and he began to walk backwards, ending up with his back pushed up against the wall. We knew when we pulled away it had to be our last, it was coming too close to curfew. We pulled away and he smiled at me. I wasn't really sure what to do next. He was the one who ended up breaking the silence.

"I don't really know what to do now, but can we just agree not to tell Sirius." "Oh, yeah, one hundred percent, he'd murder me if he found out." "So, uhm thanks, I liked that, a lot." "So did i." "Uhm, I'll see you tomorrow then?" "Yeah." "Okay, just please don't leave without me." "I wont." I kissed on the forehead goodbye and we both we both went our separate ways.

OMG FINALLY, I WAITED SO LONG TO RIGHT THAT BUT I THINK IT WAS PERFECT. Please tell me it wasn't too much for a first kiss. I love this and hope whoever is reading this did aswell. Bye lovelies,


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