The Goons

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Note:- The way likes and comments are decreasing, I guess readers are losing their interest from 'Doctors Of Fate', so I planned it's end by the next week.

Happy reading

Teju was gobsmacked to see as she stepped into the OT, two goons held hostage to the nurse Maria and Adaa at gun point being in disguise as hospital staff, part of the operation team and masked on their faces.

Obviously they are here with no good and it's useless to ask them anything, scream or seek help otherwise these hostages would have to done it long back. She had to get out of here, to get help.

Teju gradually took few back steps and wanted to run out as she was already at the door, but a loud heart-wrenching scream made her stop.

Another goon came out behind the cover at the head of the patient, holding Jasmin hostage at the dagger on her neck.

"Do I need to tell you, that your one reckless move and your both the best friends and your head nurse will be dead?" The goon with dagger said to Teju.

'Who is he? Even a goon or criminal with evil intentions get in here, how does he know the details about me and hospital?' Teju thought

"Also let me tell you, even if you will cross this door, you can't go out of the operation room as the security guards outside are all my men, who let you in but never let you out."

The same man said and the four women in the operation room held hostage rendered stunned. They were into life and death situation many times, but not their own and this kind of.

'He planned his men in the hospital and don't know how many they are?' Teju was looking into his eyes and thinking.

"Hmm, yes I have planned my men and, even I don't remember how many they are in your hospital." The man with dagger said and laughed heinously.

"He just said it's my hospital?" Teju uttered with frown.

The gang of goons who break into the hospital with a proper plan and calling it Teju's, who else they can be. Teju got it right.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" Teju took a step ahead and asked boldly.

"You must have already guessed, who am I, aren't you? And I want this bloody whole hospital. It belongs to me." He said in a domineering and harsh voice.

"Sahil?" Teju mumbled.

"Yes, it's Sahil, your cousin, my dear sister and even I guessed right, you knows everything, the family history and old man's will, aren't you?" Sahil said and laughed again obnoxiously.

Teju was still not shocked who was expecting him to make a move soon, but Adaa and Jasmin felt rug swept out from under their feet. He is a monstrous criminal and they are held hostage, their heartbeat raised.

"And other than your best friends and head nurse, they all are my men." Sahil pointed at the two more members of the operation team, a nurse and an attendant.

The situation was already worst, it can be only slight more fearful by this revelation what else she can expect.

Teju looked at her staff who were held hostages by her nemesis, she can't let him harm them. She need to buy some time to plan their escape. Then she looked at the patient who was on anesthesia already.

"Why did you break in to the hospital and what do you think you are doing here?" Teju said and walked to the patient.

Sahil knew before Teju is fearless that's why he held her friends hostage, but didn't imagine she will not pay heed to it at all.

Doctors Of FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang