The Truth of Rashmi

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"She is Dr. Rashmi Desai, isn't she, Teju?"

Teju nodded her head in positive and Yuvika was the one who reacted first, she never liked this junior doctor's attitude in the hospital, just tolerating her because she is acquainted to Karan.

"Is she insane, what kind of nonsense rumor is she spilling in the hospital about her and Karan? Karan, didn't I told the first day of her job that she is good for nothing, just back of you with lame reasons. I will not spare her now."

Yuvika couldn't tolerate the fact that Rashmi tried to saw discord into her best friend, Karan's relatioship.

Prince held Yuvika from shoulder who was snorting in anger. "Yuvi, calm down and Teju, did she told you about her and Karan personally?"

Teju nodded her head in yes and Samrat beat his head inwardly in frustration.

"And you believed in all the nonsense spitting by her, how could you trust a stranger over me?"

"Of course not, I didn't believe her, I told her that HM has feelings only for me and she is lying."

"Then why were you nagging for divorce, didn't know that useless character? Since the first day you experienced it personally, many times." Adaa said with pure hatred for Kiran.

Teju didn't say anything being in dilemma how to reveal her conversation with Rashmi in front of everbody when few secret talks were involved.

"Teju, answer us, why were you adamant for divorce, what did she say to you?" Jasmin asked.

"She made my life hell by daily showing up in front of me in alone and asking to get her love back, in fact begging to me." Teju said with irritation.

She never wanted to share this to anybody but never imagined that she will get trap.


"Yes, she told me that she is a simple girl from poor family who got her first love as Karan, but he got married to me because I am from rich family. She asked me to help her get Karan back into her life otherwise she will die and he will also not be happy with me life long. She turned me emotional, by these sentimental phrases."

"You being emotional fool got trapped by her fake sentimental dialogues." Karan said. Today everyone was pissed by Teju, but Karan was the most.

"Right term, Dr. KK, this Teju is an emotional fool. During academics she used to share her lunch, hard working notes, project files, car, even clothes to every random who asked for help. I warned her several times to stop being so generous and benevolent, but didn't imagine that being charitable got into it so much that she was going to share her husband." Adaa spilt Teju's secret from the school and College days making others shocked.

"What, Simmi, is that true?" Jasmin asked.

"Oh, shut up you both. This is not the case, of course. I told Dr. Rashmi sternly after her so many emotional stories that Karan is my husband and we both loves each other, but she said Karan is lying to me and they both got married secretly long back."

"What the hell....."

"What nonsense......"

"This Rashmi is getting on my nerves....."

All youngsters, who acquainted to Rashmi yelled.

"Stop guys let's deal with Rashmi later, first let's talk to this idiot in front of us." Karan referred to Teju.

"I am not idiot, ok? I told her I will not buy her fake stories, she is lying balantly. Then she said that the next time she show up with the evidence."

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