Teju Was Pissed

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Teju stood in the middle of the living hall, keeping hand on her waist and yelled.

"Mom, VB, what the hell that man is doing in our house and how did he get into my room?"

"Teju behave yourself, he is your husband. Be respectful, did you get it?" Disha scolded Teju for talking disrespectfully for Samrat.

Teju took a few deep breath. "Alright, I will be respectful. Now will you please honour to tell me what is Karan Kundrra doing in our house and how could you let any stranger get into your daughter's room?"

"He is not some stranger, but your husband and he is here because he wants to stay with you, to take care of you. You should be glad for getting husband like him. At least he is trying to mend his relationship unlike you." Dhanya said ironically giving earful to Teju.

"Why are you guys behaving like he is a victim and I am his culprit. I am a victim here. I came back here leaving Kundrra mansion because of him and he followed me. Where will I go now?" Teju said irritatingly.

"But why are you running from him. Let me know as what happened between you two suddenly making you hate him so much?" Disha asked the same question, she already asked many times since last evening.

"Why are you asking same thing when I told you nothing happened. I just don't want to live with him."

"Every decision has some reason behind, let me know that, that's it."

Teju was sick of these arguments with her family, who are constantly asking only one thing which she don't want to share. She was sure of one thinking no matter how much they all will pressurized her externally she will not let herself break internally.

"I don't have any reason, did you get it?" Teju retorted sharply and turned around to go back but Varun stopped her.

"Teju listen carefully, if you have any specific reason to ask for divorce from Karan, let me know I will be at your side otherwise forget it. Karan will live under this roof, in your bedroom as your husband until you are here."

Varun gave last warning to Teju which was irksome, but she didn't refute. She moved to stairs and saw Karan was descending the stairs with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

Teju glared him sharply feeling like punch him hard making his all teeth fall, he looked at her and shrug his shoulder which was another act of teasing.

Karan walked to Kapoor family and offered them morning wishes and they all welcome him wholeheartedly, whereas he was showing it of to Teju on purpose.

"God know what magic spell he cast on my family, all are approaching him with gleaming smile as he is their real son."

Teju mumbled indignantly, stamped her foot on the floor and went bank to her room to get ready for the hospital.

Some times later Teju climbed down the stairs hurriedly after got ready for the work and wanted to go far away from here, where Karan was getting treated like a king in her family. Her attempt was unsuccessful when Varun called her from behind in stern voice.

"Teju, don't try to sneak out without having your breakfast. Don't forget, now you are in my house and not even try to not to abide the rules of my house."

Teju made a cry face left with no other option, turned around reluctantly and joined the entire family over breakfast table with a grumpy face.

During breakfast Varun was keep checking on Teju and again ordered her in stern tone. "Teju, now when your car is at Kundrra mansion right now, you will go to the hospital with Karan and he will also drive you home, is that ok for you, Karan?"

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