Teju to Pacify Karan

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Teju dawdled to the canteen being defeated by Karan again and sat with her friends with a sad pout.

"Hey Teju, did you got to know how Dr KK made that modern witch confessed?" Adaa asked in excitement.

They all were waiting to know the secret behind the scene and sharing their guesses.

"Yes, I got it....." Teju said with her least energy which stunned her friends. Shouldn't she be excited right now.

"Then why are low, you should be happy?"

"Happy my foot, that HK is getting on my nerves."

"What has happened between you two again in the cabin?" Aly asked.

Teju told the entire story in the cabin and pissed that Karan made her blurt out her plan and didn't reconcile with her.

"Huh, Hitler said I was threatening him, was he ethical, when he used Jasmin to extort me and got married to me."

Teju blabbered without any bound because now when the entire truth revealed in front of everbody, she didn't care less.

"What, extort? Used Jasmin to got married to you?" Adaa was hell shocked.

Teju bite her tongue and said, "Oops slip of tongue, please all of you forget, whatever I said, just now."

"Teju, please tell me what is the truth." Adaa asked hurriedly. She was writhing in dismay.

Teju reluctantly revealed the remaining secret behind her marriage. Teju and Adaa noticed that Aly and Jasmin wasn't surprised by the new revelation, but remorseful.

"Oh, you both knew about it already, didn't you?" Teju dart sharp glares at Aly and Jasmin.

"Yes SS, I knew it, but helpless and Karan too. Mom asked him to make it by hook or by crook, but at the end you have to be safe."

"Ahh, you traitors and SB, you already kept so many things from me, but JM I am disappointed in you. How could you deceive me?"

Jasmin crouch her head and said in a baritone. "Teju, I masked one more secret, that you need to know."

"One more, what was that?"

"Teju, please forgive me for that, back on that day Mrs. Ahuja......."

Jasmin took a pause and gulped her saliva.

"Yes tell me, what was wrong with Mrs. Ahuja?" Teju encouraged Jasmin and she continued. "Back then, nothing happened to Mrs. Ahuja. She was perfectly fine."


"Yes, in your absence, nothing had happened to her, it was all designed by Karan to trap you for marriage."

"Oh gosh, how many more shocks am I going to get on this day, this is unimaginable. That Hitler is really shrewd, but I was stabbed by my best friend." Teju said being sad and broken.

"I am sorry Teju, but I was helpless. Karan said he is doing everything for your security, to save you from unseen enemies.

"Don't talk about him, he has only one justification about his every injustice acts, but why did you deceive me? I don't want to talk to you."

Jasmin felt bad, but before her Aly answered for her.

"Oh come on SS, Jasmin had done everything for you, prioritised your safety, on top of that she is confessing, otherwise she could have hide it all her life, don't be so rude to her."

Teju frown listening long lecture of Aly and said, "No wonder SB, you are taking her side, after all birds of a feather flocks together. You all deceived me and helped that Hitler brother of yours."

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