The Contract

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The next morning Teju woke up lazily and found Karan starring her, stood leaning by the cabinet and folded arms. Teju raised her eyebrows in suprise.

He came to her and passed a file. "If you are ready to serve me for the next one month sign the contract."

"What, contact?" Teju took the file in surprise and begin reading. It was all in the legal language.

"This is the agreement between party A (Karan Kundrra) and party B (Teju Kapoor Kundrra).....

Teju read it fast and turned the next page where rules were mentioned.

Rules to be followed by party B being in contracted with party A.

No 1. Party A is prohibited to perform any prank being in contract. If any action will be called prank, then party A can break the contract and go back from his words.

"What, how can that be?" Teju said with frown, then looked his sharp glares on her and beseeched. "HK, please I can't live without doing prank. Ok I will not do any prank on you, just on my friends. I swear, please....."

Teju blinked her big doe eyes many times while requesting and it melted Samrat.

"Ok fine, a bit rebate. Prank only on friends and it shouldn't affect the hospital, ok?" Karan warned.

"Sure, I will take care." Teju said excitedly and read the next rule.

No 2. Party B is not allowed to skip her meals and her diet will be decided by party A.

"This rule no 2 is too strict. Alright i will not skip my meals, but you can't decide my diet as you have big appetite in comparison of mine, please I can't eat too much. I promise I will have healthy food."

Teju again requested cutely and Karan gave in for a slight change.

"Alright, your diet will be decided according to your appetite."

No 3. Party A will not speed her car more than 50 Km/Hr.

"What, 50 Km/Hr is too slow. I drive Porsche sports car not, bullock cart." Teju protested again.

"Rules are meant to be follow." Karan said sternly.

"Ok, let's mend it slightly, like if there will be any emergency or if I will be getting late I can speed."

Teju blinked her big doe eyes many times and pleaded.

"Please, please pretty please."

'Ahh, damn, again these innocent eyes of hers.' Karan thought with frustration and gave in again.

"Only in case of emergency."

Teju already tamper with 3 rules of Karan in the contract and he was pissed by her attitude.

No 4. Party B couldn't say no to party A for anything.

Teju frowned again and pick fault on the next rule too.

"What if you ask for something which I don't know to do or can't able to do?" Teju raised her eyebrows.

Now Karan lost his temper. She is taking him for granted blinking her innocent eyes several times and he can't let this happen.

"That's enough, all rules are not going to be altered for your convince. Either sign it now or leave it." Karan yelled snatching file from her.

Teju immediately snatched the file back from Samrat and pen from another hand of him, signed it and gave file back to Karan.

"It's done, I can do anything." Teju released a sigh feeling like she had won the battle, but she didn't know the real struggle has started now.

"Great, now get ready into formal." Karan said while signing the contract as party A.

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