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YOU were woken up by the sun light
That's hitting your face, you groaned a little and look around you.

You feel asleep on the couch last night after crying your heart out, you smiled bitterly remembering last night.

You sigh and stood up, the food from the last night was still on its places, you didn't even bother to finish your food as you lost your appetite, you went to fix the tables and and threw the left over foods over the trashcan.

Then you peek from berry's room and saw she still sounds asleep, before you proceed to wash yourself.

When berry wakes up you will never had a chance to took care of your self, you had to wash yourself and look presentable, Mrs son is coming and you can't be look awful.

You change into a nice and comfortable dress, and put your hair up, after that you sat down at the dining table, facing your laptop and checking some emails from your café manager while waiting for berry to wake up.

Just your usual morning ever since berry got hospitalised again, you can't go back to check your cafe so your monitoring thru the emails, your manager was constantly sending you the sale record, and some complaints.

Its not that big, but its not that small either,
Good thing your cafe is doing just fine without you, because you can't manage another problem.

There was a few email and messages from your other friend than erick and henry,
Sally also message you asking how berry's doing, and you gave them all a reply.

You were busy typing a reply for sally when the creek door opened, you turn around, a smiling and looking fresh chaeyoung pop out, she raised her hand holding a paper bag, before she steps in and close the door.

"i bought you breakfast.... I also have strawberry and yogurt for berry" she said while placing the paper bag on the table, she took each of em and fold the paper bag.

"did you eat breakfast already?" she said while sitting down.

You turn your eyes at your laptop and continue to ignored her, your not in your mood talking to that smoll bean.

You sighs and went back to typing a reply.

"hey.... I'm talking to you? Didn't you hear me?"

You heard her sighs and then chaeyoung suddenly took your laptop away from you, she close it and put it on her side,and she replaced it with a container with food on it.

"eat y/n..."

You push it away and stood up
"give me back my laptop son chaeyoung" you said glaring at her, she shook her head and also push it back to you.

"you have to eat y/n"

"I'm not hungry"

"you still have to eat"

You sighs and push the food harshly on her
"i said I'm not hungry.... Eat it all by yourself" you roll your eyes and turn around.

You start to walk but chaeyoung stop you, she grab your hand and force you to face her.

"what is your problem?" she said very much pissed "I'm just worried about you !! Why are you getting mad!!" she hissed at you.

You tried to grab your hands from her grip but she's stronger than you, you only winced in pain and glared at her.

"let go of me!!" you Yelled at her, "i said I'm not hungry! I didn't even ask for you to be worried for me i can take care of my self!! Can you please let go of my hand!! It hurts"

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